Get to know your fellow jellies. Could you tell us something interesting about you that we don't already know?
Asked by
Jude (
March 16th, 2010
I love old abandoned houses and barns in rural decay. I also have a thing for old fire escapes.
I see beauty in the simplest of things.
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76 Answers
Hmm, my profile is somewhat revealing. I have blazingly brilliant blue eyes to compensate for the rest of myself, which is meh. I have a biological brother, an adopted sister, and two stepsisters, as well as a stepbrother to be. I am a game developer and I am starting to like star wars. Also, I love cave story! (I think I already said that on my profile, but so what :P
I had sex with the mother of James Taylor’s kids.
I enjoy the same thing, @jjmah
Umm… Well I am a camera nerd. I’m more excited about the new instant film that’s coming out soon than I should be.
I like drinking tea and am having a cup right now. It’s loose leaf sencha green tea that I made in the coffee maker.
I like sunny days more than rainy days.
I want to go camping as soon as I possibly can.
I love the beauty in simple things too.
Love champagne and Acai berry juice! A ‘healthy’ cocktail. lol
Love ethnic drums, Djembes, Bendres, Navahos, Celtics.
Love bright, open minded others….so fluther has been a fun exploration this past few days.
Think HUMOR is EVERYTHING in life..such as making my tax appt. for April 1st!
A fool and her money are soon parted! lol
Love my pet geese and started what I hope to be an annual huge party last year with several live bands, copious amounts of food & alcohol and offered camping and portapottys on my 5 acres for the 1st annual ‘Burning Goose’ bash!
Looking forward to doing it again this year!
I plan on becoming even more eccentric in my old age!
Think Maude…from Harold & Maude!
I have beautiful fields and woods with a small creek running through it. I have a meditation bench there where I can (and do) sit in silence and listen to the stream plashing and the birds singing.
I have planted over 5000 daffodils (and small bulbs) on my property. Soon I will have a river of gold running through the land.
I am also Maudie to Breedmitch’s Harold. Our love is enduring.
@Arp Where do you work? Did you just get back from GDC? I had to skip because of other commitments, unfortunately…
I have no daffodils but am working on a bamboo forest! :-)
Every time I see a penny, I pick it up.
My favorite number is 5.
Whereas many people are afraid of or startled by lightning, I like it.
I’ve dislocated my right knee 6 times.
I’m a plant nerd. Every time I go camping/hiking with friends, I like to spout all the Latin names of the plants I see. My friends think it’s very annoying.
I think mayonnaise, meatloaf, and cauliflower are the worst foods on Earth. Cheese and burritos are the best.
I once had two pet quail.
My criterion for going in my “fields of expertise” box is that I’ve been paid for it.
My father is from Okinawa, and my mother is from the American South.
I once made sushi for Chuck Norris.
I cry more than my wife at sappy movies. =)
I protect my loved ones like a grizzly bear….and I really love flowers…alot. ;)
I have a passion for saxophone
I would wear my fitted Oakland A’s hat every day is people didn’t look like me like I was a wanna be gangstar gurl.
I’m unbelievably obsessed with the band Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros right now. I can’t get over it. I listen to Home many times a day and I tear up every time. You all should listen to it right now…real quick…on youtube. Go go go go go.
I love broccoli so much.
I love sloths so much.
I love MJ so much.
I love strawberry poptarts.
I have 13 fillings and a root canal. Wow there’s one to brag about eh? :( :( :( :( :( and I have a fear of the dentist like no other.
When I was eleven, I won a watermelon seed spitting contest.
My favorite movie is 28 Days Later.
My first kiss was an English boy.
I could spell Picard before I could spell my own name. :)
RAWR! I’m a tyrannosaurus rex and I live off da jellies!
Long live CHEESE!
OMG! Cheese addict here too!
Have a sharp Irish cheddar, smoked gouda, Jarlsberg, jalapeno havarti in fridge right now….so much cheese so little time! lolol
Hmm? What don’t you guys already know? I can’t think of anything to write that I haven’t written anywhere else.
I guess… hmm.. I have a scar on my ankle from where I accidentally shot myself with a nail gun. I’ve had a photo published in a geology textbook. I could live off of cereal if I had to (although I’d really miss the other breakfast food items). Annddddd…. I’ve had many encounters with the Paper Mafia – they cut me. ;)
As much as I am on my computer, I really like to be outdoors. Camping is something I enjoy a lot. I have a bit of an obsession with Mountain Dew, if I get into details you might call me insane. I’ve received 3 speeding tickets in my life. I took a lot of wood shop classes in HS, I can make furniture. I never bought my own gas for my car until I was out of HS. I really love the books Animorphs more than any 21 yr old should. Ummm….The End.
I look like Stewart Townsend.
During the year 1994 I moved 7 times.
I miss my dog so much. She is at home, probably prancing around and being all fluffy and adorable and licking the air and she is so far away from me and I would never have thought, when I moved, that I would think about how much I miss my pupkins more than how much I miss my parents and friends.
Sometimes I leave myself messages on one of my voicemails to remind myself of something I am thinking in the spur of the moment. hahahahaha
I know how penicillin works to kill bacteria. Oh, you said interesting. I love cheese and I love flowers.
My favorite artist is my father. And I’m kind of naive. I love cheese popcorn. I love weeping willows, and fancy restaurants freak me out.Oh, and I dislike insects. Any kind of flying, crawling, slithering, or slimy bug gets a swift but honorable death by my hand. :]
My office faces north and is on the 8th floor. I can watch the football team practicing, in season.
@Coloma I should have left myself messages. I lost two good questions today.
I think it would be fun to become a member of this roller derby league. They practive 4 times a week. I just don’t have the time right now.
I would also love to chase tornadoes if given the chance.
I’m about to buy rollerblades and be alll over this town on them :) :) :) :) :)
@Arp I’m so proud of you for watching Star Wars!
@hudsong Oh, pretty!
Oh man. What haven’t I said about me? You guys know more about me than my family.
40% of my closet is Star Wars shirts. The other 60% is tie-dye.
I think it might be obvious, but I’m in love with the world.
When I read or encounter people who own a piece of nature I secretly hope they will hire me to be their in residence caretaker. When I am in nature I feel how complete I am.
I prefer a film camera over a digital one anyday. I love to photograph people and minutiae. Sometimes at the same time.
I am passionate.
Kids, animals and the elderly; I tend to help those who can’t fend for themselves. I feel compelled to do it. I go out of my way to help them and have always been that way.
According to the girlfriend:
“I love your courage and your feistiness. You won’t let anyone push you around or make you do anything you don’t want to do. If you don’t like something you say so. At the same time you’re always polite and kind, never arrogant or cocky. It’s rare to meet someone who knows how to handle themselves like that.
You have such a charm about you. I haven’t seen anyone yet who isn’t totally enchanted by you. I feel so lucky that you’re with me.
You’re so different from other people. It’s not any one thing that makes you that way, it’s the whole of your personality. It’s your way of approaching your life. And, that is what I relate to most about you. I think we approach life the same way. We both love beauty in all in forms and we both pay attention to it. We’re both kind, compassionate and have integrity. But, we’re fun, and playful, and just looking to make the most of what each day brings.”
Trying not to toot my own horn here. She sent this to me the other day and it meant a lot. It’s kind of cool to see how others view you.
Fact about me # 8: I have a major crush on @jjmah, but she already knows this. :)
I love dixieland and ragtime music and you can’t repeat that to anyone.
I can’t sleep without at least 3 pillows and the sheets have to be tucked in.
I can’t juggle and lord knows I have tried.
I brew award winning beer.
I find cooking and gardening very relaxing!
@Cruiser totally with you on the first 3 you listed!!!!!! I love ragtime!!!!
Ooooh…award winning beer! My kinda guy! lol
I am addicted to a local vineyards micro-breweries Scotch Ale…oh boy…packin’ the calories on with that one!
Beer, bread and cheese, well okay, maybe some fruit and olives too…I’m a peasant at heart. lol
I like to keep one piece of fine chocolate on hand for a 2 a.m. ‘midnight’ snack.
Nothing like a bite of chocolate in the midnight hour! haha
Lately I have been enjoying some rich Taiwanese chocolates I brought back from my trip.
@deni I can play it on my piano too! Scott Joplin is my fav.
@Coloma Scotch ale is one of my favs and I made it once but getting the smoke flavor right is an art I didn’t quite get that time! Yummy stuff!
I have two pot-bellied pigs. Pickle and Pumpkin.
I’m a screenwriter.
I played volleyball for 4 years and coached a high school volleyball team for a year.
I did lots of drugs in high school. I’ve now recovered completely.
I have four tattoos.
I still adore the Spice Girls.
And I’m really not as evil as I try to be online :D
Oh, and I like spatulas! But ya’ll already knew that. Amirite?
My favorite utensil is the grapefruit spoon. Simply genius.
I’ve never had a cavity. I paint my toenails a different color just about every day. I love the smell of an old wall unit air conditioner to the point where I would stand in front of one for hours smelling it. I hate vanilla. I eat entirely too many banana fudge popsicles. I still have one baby tooth. My hair is the longest it’s ever been. I like bugs. I play pranks on everyone. I love spiders. I hate the smell of flowers but I love roses. I hate the color orange. I taught myself to play the piano when I was 8 but haven’t played again in about 15 years. I don’t think I could live without music and books. I like the taste of jägermeister and whiskey.
@Coloma Looks wonderful! I am thirsty now! :)
@dpworkin and I are actually different personas of the same person.
I’m the one who’s right most of the time.
You guys probably know about the tigers and the rock climbing and the pets. But you don’t know that I still can’t sleep with a hand or foot hanging off of the bed, because I believed that monsters lived under the bed when I was a kid.
Nah I’m a shallow person. There isn’t much about me beyond my irrational love for horror movies.
Feeding things makes me happy!
Gave my chickens peach cobbler this morning. lolol
I live in a private scenic area and share a lot of campfires. Nature and I are quite comfortable with each other. I have a rooster for outside and a parrot for inside but the parrot is my baby.
@syz I believed tigers and giraffes were under my bed! I love watching old house makeovers, i love gardening, war movies, westerns, the smell of a farm in the spring. I love meatloaf and cold meatloaf sandwiches. I poo-poo all diet pills but have tried a bunch of them!
I neglect to use my Wii on a regular basis.
I just bought a retirement house up north, so I am now making two house payments.
But you already know that.
What you don’t know is that I feel very guilty about this, because 3 people I work with have lost their houses in the last year. I don’t talk much about my place while at work, because I don’t want to seem like I am rubbing it in their faces.
My oldest son is now a citizen of Sweden. My youngest son brings his dishes over to my house to use my automatic dishwasher because his plumbing needs fixed.
I once reached inside a deer, pulled its heart out, cut a hole in the ice over a lake, rinsed the heart out, cooked it over a fire and then ate the heart. It was amazing.
@liminal: When I read or encounter people who own a piece of nature I secretly hope they will hire me to be their in residence caretaker. When I am in nature I feel how complete I am.
If you can use a chain saw, remove ticks and pick up rocks that weigh more than 40 lbs., come live with me and help housekeep my 20 acres.
@gailcalled As I read your words my heart literally warmed. Thank you.
Oh! Random fact: I brush my teeth about 9 times a day, and I use a different toothpaste each time.
@jjmah. It was supposed to be. I hate it when my attempts at humor fall flat on Fluther!
I am irresistibly attracted to office supplies and art supplies. You should see my paper clip collection.
I believe that the only bad dream is a boring dream. I never have those, but my husband does. They’re enough to put you to sleep.
The sound of bagpipes summons me from a distance and from any direction, just like a dog whistle.
My role model is the British eccentric.
I hate preservatives. I think strawberries are gross so I don’t eat anything that involves them. I’m not a big milk fan. I have a huge feet fetish, I don’t like looking at bare naked toes it disgustes me. Which is why I wear socks at all time. I watch a lot of cartoons and often act childish. I have a very short temper. I am highly allergic to latex. And I dislike mirrors and clowns.
Oh oh oh, the most important thing you have to know about me is that I carry hand sanitizer with me at all times. I live in fear of germs.
I see you in a very soft room, with padded walls. lololololol
I’m secretly in love with @jjmah
don’t tell her
I don’t eat beef, I have a stigmatism, I’m anemic, I have dreams all the time that I have a baby, I cry all the time because of my dog who died 3 years ago, I have an adorable cat but she never shuts up, I can’t stand when people wear socks with sandals, I hate leggings and Uggs, I love fruit but I hate bananas.
I am oblivious to the obvious sometimes. I didn’t understand why Chris Columbus’ production company was called 1492 until I saw Percy Jackson the second time.
When I get irritated, a southern accent forms.
I am TERRIFIED of people in mascot suits. (i.e. Chuck E. Cheese) Reminder – I’m 24 years old.
My favorite sandwich is bologna and fritos on white bread.
My favorite author is Edgar Allen Poe.
Jack Lemmon is my favorite actor.
My favorite color is orange. Haha
@Violet I don’t know what it is about that color, but it just drives me crazy mad when I see it. So strange.
@Tink1113 Aww, I sorry. I bet you look adorable in orange!
@free_fallin I have hated it as far back as I can remember. I even want to write on my baby shower invitations: ‘please avoid gifts who’s majority color is orange’
Well crap…all you young orange haters, guess my crazy retro kitchen in green and orange would be a very traumatic experience for you! lolol
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