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Captain_Fantasy's avatar

If gay marriage is allowed, what's the worst that could happen?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) March 16th, 2010 from iPhone

How would society change? I really don’t think there’d be a lot that was very diffierent.

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50 Answers

holden's avatar

Gay people would get married.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@holden I was about to say the same…

DeanV's avatar

Heterosexual marriage would disappear and next people would start marrying animals! Oh, and Christianity would disappear as well.

Fyrius's avatar

And homosexual people would marry.

DominicX's avatar

It will somehow make straight marriage less meaningful for some reason. Then, it logically follows that we must allow polygamist, incestuous, bestial, and pedophilic marriages, because, you know, those things simply must follow and it is not possible to draw a line anywhere.—The Anti-Gay Marriage Argument in a Nutshell

Well, let’s see, it’s already allowed in Canada, Massachusetts, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Mexico City, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, Norway, and South Africa. I don’t think any of those places are falling into mass chaos because they allowed two people who love each to marry each other.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I guess it’s true that dogs can’t look up

coogan's avatar

They would file taxes together, lost tax revenue I guess : /

Fyrius's avatar

Well, hip hip hooray.

holden's avatar

I suppose a lot of Christians would get pissed off. On the other hand, they’re normally pissed off about something anyway.

lloydbird's avatar

Gay divorce.

Fyrius's avatar

Also, a lot of people who are attracted to their own gender would be joined in matrimony.

ModernEpicurian's avatar

Nothing would be different. But hey, people have got to be pissed about something

ragingloli's avatar

Christian radicals would snap and start lynching homosexuals while wearing white robes and hoods, dancing around a burning wooden cross.

shilolo's avatar

Real Househusbands of San Francisco ftw!!!!!

Fyrius's avatar

And some queer people will probably enter into wedlock.

Draconess25's avatar

What’s the worst that would happen? Me & my girlfriends would be happy. And you don’t wanna see us when we’re happy….

tinyfaery's avatar

Tons of DINK money flooding into the markets. Oh, wait. That’s good.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I think @lloydbird‘s answer is the best.

poisonedantidote's avatar

gay marriage is allowed, the pope is a ’‘he’’ and god is supposedly a ’‘he’’ and the pope is married to god. thats a gay marriage.

jokes aside, it could lead to some riots and possibly deaths.

GingerMinx's avatar

Gay marriages, well civil unions but they have all the same rights as a marriage, have been legal where I live for some time and there has been no visible changes. The sky didn’t fall, we were not all turned in to toads and we don’t have cats and dogs living in sin.

TexasDude's avatar

Some dumbasses would probably start murdering/terrorizing the newly married gays, but that wouldn’t be a direct result of the marriages themselves, just the previously existent ignorance of a few folks.

Other than that, nothing bad would happen as a direct result of gay marriages.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

The idea that it is not allowed in some places of the this country (and world) throws me for a loop. I live in Massachusetts so I guess I just take it for granted that gay marriage is legal here. Provincetown (the unofficial gay capital of the state and where a lot of gay couples choose to get married) is a beautiful little village and I love visiting it.

I don’t think anyone has been murdered or terrorized or anything else of the sort here. No one seems to care and it is widely supported.

skfinkel's avatar

They would have to get caught up in the horrible divorce process as well, when they wanted to end their marriages.

Mamradpivo's avatar

Bigots would realize it hasn’t made a difference and be forced to confront their own foolish worldview.

faye's avatar

They’d have better rights, eg medical say in an emergency.

tinyfaery's avatar

@faye That’s bad?

faye's avatar

@tinyfaery No it’s good and very important. Yes I see now I answered a different question!

pocket's avatar

Worst that could happen?

Eternal damnation

JeffVader's avatar

@Draconess25….. actually, I rather would like to see that :)

Draconess25's avatar

@JeffVader When I’m happy, I tend to be an ass to other people (more than I usually am), & my girlfriends never shut up when they’re happy.

JeffVader's avatar

@Draconess25 Hahaha, now thats just not fair….... here I am trying to be all politically correct & ur throwing me ammo like that….

Fyrius's avatar

Let’s keep Pascal’s Wager out of this. I don’t think we need to consider worst case scenarios of infinitesimal probability.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

So from a spiritual standpoint, Christians feel they will suffer because of gay people getting married?

downtide's avatar

The right wing conservative fundamental Christians would never shut up.

DominicX's avatar


But they already don’t shut up. :)

downtide's avatar

@DominicX oh shucks. I guess there really isn;t any way to shut them up is there? Never mind we can make gay marriage legal, and relax in the knowledge that it won’t make any difference to the Christians, and will only make everyone else’s lives fairer and better… :)

pocket's avatar

I must have misread the question. I thought it said “what’s the worst that could happen.” The worst that could happen is that some of the more extreme views could turn out to be true, society would fall apart, and we’d start killing each other. Apparently the actual question was “would you like to bash Christians and conservatives with me?” and everyone answered “yes.”

I’m starting to get the gist of this website.

DominicX's avatar


So you want people to just conceal their beliefs for the sake of appeasing you?

Life lesson: not everyone will agree with you. Get over it.

Getting a little tired of this “conservative martyr” act…

tinyfaery's avatar

Grr. Argh. Zombies.

Fyrius's avatar

If this thread is bashing anyone, it’s only those who believe gay marriage in America would cause all sorts of horrible things. A specific criticism of a single point that is wrong.

I have many chronically Christian friends and acquaintances who nonetheless support same-sex marriage just as much as I do, or more so still. And I’m also not convinced it’s categorically impossible to be a conservative without panicking over gay people marrying.
There’s no reason why the conclusion that gay marriage hysteria is stupid should carry over to all conservatism and Christianity being stupid.
They’re stupid for entirely different reasons.

“The worst that could happen is that some of the more extreme views could turn out to be true, society would fall apart, and we’d start killing each other.”
And I don’t think that qualifies as the worst that could happen, for not being something that could happen.
Many other nations have already legalised it. One of them is mine. There’s still no civil war going on here.

GingerMinx's avatar

@pocket , The question did ask what is the worst that could happen, and I think considering how many places allow gay marriage and the fact that nothign has happened, that alone defends peoples answers here. You said, “The worst that could happen is that some of the more extreme views could turn out to be true, society would fall apart, and we’d start killing each other.” well I say that is untrue since in all the places that have allowed it, that has not happened.

prescottman2008's avatar

The absolute worse thing? How about the total collapse of all morality whereby the human race becomes so depraved that absolutely nothing is considered morally wrong anymore because we’ve destroyed all morality. Sure it wouldn’t happen all at once, but the door to that scenario has already been opened. The more we allow the fringes of society to keep pushing it the more danger there is to a complete and utter moral melt-down.

DominicX's avatar


Except for the fact that there’s nothing “immoral” about gay people and so any “immorality” that would follow would be completely unrelated.

DeanV's avatar

Lets all feed the troll! Yay!

Fyrius's avatar

Morality is in our genes. Even if the norms of our morality are subject to change, there’s no way any kind of social development could ever eliminate our ability to distinguish right and wrong.

Always_Right_Ken99's avatar

You cannot change the rule of man and woman. No matter if some clowns for some reason in office vote to allow it, they themselves will go to hell. Its the term marriage we are fighting over, not the law to allow gay copules to form a civil union. It like the flag is a symbol of our freedom but some of us belive that to destroy it destroys our freedom so i will fight and die for my flag. Same thing with gay marriage. MARRIAGE, union of two people male and female to mate (like most animinals do) and produce offspring. Now no two females or males can do this naturally.
God help the USA and the world. Now the final thing is what is the worse that can happen. THE WORLD ENDS

DominicX's avatar


Hell doesn’t exist.

tinyfaery's avatar


Fyrius's avatar

Are you also opposed to heterosexual marriage between a man and a woman who won’t have children?
Are you also opposed to sterile people marrying?
Would you approve of a marriage between two men and one woman if she gets one child from each man?

And don’t worry, the world isn’t going to end. Not through homosexuality anyway.

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