General Question

mssamayray's avatar

what do guys honestly like in a girl?

Asked by mssamayray (103points) March 6th, 2008 from iPhone

no. not skanky little girls and such. duhh. hah.

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12 Answers

Riser's avatar


DJM's avatar

I guess every guy is different… Girls not all de same, right? No good answer, sorry. Could tell u what I like in a girl, but who cares?

stevenb's avatar

IMHO I would say a girl that can be their best friend as well as whatever else may come. I have been friends with my wife foe 20 years and been married to her for 9. Just my opponion though.

Mtl_zack's avatar

i like a girl who isn’t self centered and thinks of themselves as the main attraction. also, this is just me, but i like a simple girl. open minded-ness is very key.. she also has to be curious about my interests and be willing to discuss things in a mature manner. pretty-ness just adds points to the team that already won.

PupnTaco's avatar


I kid. It’s different for different guys. No easy answer.

LuckVIII's avatar

Like all the above mention. Every guy want his space for things he just want to do. Persoanlly I am more attracted to a girl who understands me than a hot girl. A girl who enjoys my jokes even if they are silly ones. She doesn’t have to like all the same things a me ie music movies but she willing to do those things because I like them. Probably most important is she’s willing to hear me out when I need someone to talk to. Look up the lyrics for a depech mode song titled somebody

DJM's avatar

then again, to be honnest: great eyes mouth breasts ass legs, hot in bed, passionate, sharp, funny and unpredictable with a touch of warmth, sharing and not to much of a leach…. WOW

LuckVIII's avatar

had a girl like that. Could wear six inch heals and the shortest miniskirt and awesome legs. Great body and was always fun to be around with. The only problem is always other guys look at her and inthe end she cheated on me twice

DJM's avatar

LuckVIII: i know what u talkin about!!!!!!!!! a constant struggle…

eadinad's avatar

@ LuckVIII – Guys looking at your girl were not the problem. The problem was your girl. Guys can’t make girls cheat on their boyfriends by looking at them.

Why do people keep asking questions like this? There is no “girl personality” that boys like or “boy personality” that girls like. Everyone has different tastes and expectations, which seems pretty obvious. If you want people to like you, just try being a decent human being – kind, honest, empathetic, and passionate. Try to be interesting, well read, and have a developed sense of humour. Figure out who you are, what you want, and your goals and standards. Besides that, there’s nothing that all people like.

chloEnak's avatar

a chase, but thats not all guys.

tomasreichmann's avatar

• good looks that present them in front of their friends
• good skills and an ability to have fun in bed
• similar values or interests so we can have a plesant conversation
• boobs, I have to mention them specificly :)
• And most importantly: absence of some anoying but frequent girls bad habits

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