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WTF is wrong (women)
Ok, not looking for sympathy here, I just HAVE to be doing something wrong. I have burned through many of women phone number (at least 20+ in the past year) and got NOTHING from it. I try different things with each woman, I just can’t figure it out. Examples:
Display of neediness:
I have tried different time limits on convos (text and phone).
I have tried different amounts of days to text\call after getting the number
I have tried different expectations of initiating contact (Contact her all the time vs Contact her once, and if she doesn’t call\text back move on).
I can not find the right combination.
With some women I try to be funny sticking to “lighter” conversation topics, others I try to just be my normal self. No success either way
Asking to Chill:
I have tried being upfront and showing interest, asking her out early on. I have also tried the “play it cool” method, with no mention of hanging out for weeks. Different places to hang out (ranging from my house to bowling to dinner\movie). No success either way
Online or in person. No success either way.
Limits to moving on:
If she blows me off 3 times give up.
If she blows me off 1 time give up
If she blows me off, let her contact me. If not then don’t contact her and give up.
No success.
Basically I try different combinations of the above. Dating is very exhausting. Does it really (statistically) take such a significantly large number of women to be “tried” before you find something that “works”? 20+ seems very large. Is this normal?
Basically it seems that we have a good conversation (when we first meet, or online) and I get the number fairly easily, but when it comes time to actually hang out I get blown off. FML
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