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Do men actually feel "love" for women or do they just desire them?
I watched a movie recently where a man proclaimed that if a man did not need a women (or visa versa actually) the two would never interract with each other. I wonder if there is a smidgen of truth to this. Do men only apease a womens demands in order to have his needs filled or does he truly enjoy sharing his time and space with a woman. To be fair, I would be interested in a womens perspective as well. Does a woman only tolerate a man to get what she needs from him (financial support, a home, children..etc) or does she really enjoy sharing her space with a man. I listen to my girlfriends discuss men and most of them seem to want men in their lives, but don’t want to meet them halfway. They express a lot of frustration with the challenges of combining the male and female attributes and don’t seem willing to give a man the space to be a man. I have also picked up comments from men that indicate they don’t really like women, they just need them. I wonder if a man was given a truly neutral place to comment if they would admit they don’t really like women but they need them and if women would say the same about men. Any thoughts?
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