The sudden influx of NSFW questions. Is it getting old already?
Asked by
Jude (
March 17th, 2010
This’ll probably get pulled.
Now, they’re starting to bore me. Anyone else?
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Not really, it actually saddens me. I wonder why someone’s parents didn’t do a more thorough job on the birds and bees talk. To ask a personal question to a bunch of strangers on the web for all the world to see and re-post – ya have to be desperate.
It’s also a bit humorous…some of the things people will ask on a public website. NSFW or not.
They used to be rare and exciting. A handful per day is a bit much. imo
Yes. But I have pretty much taken to skipping them. I skip a lot of categories now.
“NSFW stands for “not safe for work” and labels anything you might want to open in private.
It’s been getting old for quite a while. Once in a blue moon is fine, 10 a day is too much. Of course, I could just skip them…..
@JLeslie Not Safe For Work
Or are you asking for examples? :-)
Count me among those who have had enough. As @Jeruba mentioned, I skip over them, although I admit to shaking my head as I do so.
(Maybe there should be a limit on how many NSFW one person can ask in a day?)
The problem is they are either coming from kids or what I can only call electronic voyeurs. I never saw them as exciting, just fodder for perverts or kids.
That’s because you are actually having sex, @jjmah.
Those who can do, do. Those who can’t, talk about it. ;)
I could care less really. NSFW is about as exciting as any other question. Really the questions that get the most traffic here on the site are questions like, What did you do last night? Where are you going today? Would you rather have a discussion about what I did today or would you rather help someone solve a problem or discuss something they are possibly to embarrassed to ask anyone?
I agree with @jjmah.
Time to come up with another NSFW.
Like PBTF. Peek Between Two Fingers
Any other suggestions?
@tinyfaery Ah, I see. ;-)
And, I don’t see you talking about it either…;-)
It’s just another category of question like any other category. If you don’t like them, move on to other questions.
I just wish one of you ladies would answer “princessa’s” question. I answered it yesterday, I’m pretty sure, but now I would feel all dirty answering it again.
What’s funny is quite often the questions themselves are graphic and would certainly catch the boss’ attention if he or she happened to walk by… why even bother with the NSFW tag?
It’s because we had a sudden influx of 14 year olds, apparently.
in general, the quality of the questions on Fluther has gone to the shitter in the last few months, NSFW or otherwise, despite the rapid increase in the number of questions asked per day.
@Val123 Ditto that. I’ve bugged the PTB for a NSFW tab (or at least a social norm that NSFW questions are asked as “NSFW: See question inside” instead of the graphic question out in the open.)
I think we just post a link to that fuzzy bunny video from the simpsons on the front page.
I would think a new tab would be best, like the Meta tab. I don’t mind looking at these but they take up a lot of room and if I want to look I can tab to them.
While too many questions of any type gets tedious, I do read the questions and then decide if I care to answer them.
I feel neutral about them – they don’t bother me.
I don’t read them at all, but this is my thought:
Fluther is growing at a large rate. More people = More questions. More questions = More NSFW questions.
Also, we are being invaded by extremely noobish noobs
@eponymoushipster Actually, I tend to disagree. I see more NSFW questions coming from older “adults” than teenagers or the younger segment. What does come from the teenage segment would be the “does he like me?” type of shit.
Neither are to my liking, but I just pass them by. It’s all you really can do.
Same. I see it from adults more too, asking about sex in marriage and various acts and such. Again, I have nothing against sex questions. Just another category.
I also disagree that the quality has “gone down”. Make your own quality if you think the quality is so bad.
@DominicX fantastic that you dont think that. unfortunately, you’d be in the minority.
Yeah, like I really care about how many people agree with me…
I’m just tired of people who bitch about the quality and don’t contribute much to improve the quality themselves. Seems a little hypocritical to me. :\
No, no, no! There is no category of questions where we’ve had too many (except for the ones that are exactly the same within a few days of each other). This is a question site. Maybe you’re bored, but other people aren’t. There are new people arriving all the time. Old people may have new perspectives.
NSFW questions? Meta Questions? Health reform questions? What’s the best questions? I don’t care. The more the merrier. This site thrives on questions and while it might be getting old for some, it’s fresh and new for others.
Getting old is merely a matter of opinion. There is no right and wrong. It’s just how you feel. Personally, the NSFW questions are not getting old for me.
I have a problem with the question mark (?).
I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one a bit bored by this. May I also add “irritated”? as in; Enough already! But then, I don;t make it an issue, I just remove the question from my queue.
It’s just another wave. Fluther seems to have waves of trolls, waves of NSFWs, waves of religious discussions, waves of political discussions, waves of homophobia, waves of relationship questions, waves of barely teens, waves of…. well, you get the picture. It will pass, and then we’ll have a whole new group of annoying questions.
If I may make a suggestion here….
Maybe Fluther can have a checkbox when you ask a question that’s NSFW instead of actually typing NSFW in your question.
Also, you could have a two radio buttons in your profile like this:
o Show me NSFW questions
o Don’t show me NSFW questions.
If you choose the “Don’t Show” button, then NSFW questions are invisible to you.
I don’t mind them, and sometimes it’s fun to read the answers.
The only times they bug me is when, as @ArtiqueFox said, they’re about a topic that should be taught in middle school sex ed. Even then, it only bothers me that no adult in the person’s RL has clued them in.
The other time they bug me is when they’re hardly questions at all, being asked by someone who just seems to want to talk about sex and how much sex they have and this amazing thing called sex they invented and oh, have you heard about sex? Those, to me, aren’t questions. They’re desperate attempts at gaining attention.
This is the first I’ve been on here since early this morning. The reason? I’m getting SO bored with it here. I’m sick to DEATH with these NSFW & other assinine questions that are coming down the pike. I’m so sick of it, in fact, that I posted a comment about it on my Facebook page. One of you here on this thread made several comments agreeing, as did a lot of my fellow fluther friends. It’s getting very tiresome. And sure enough, here we go again with some more, I see. (not this one, jjmah.) I’m thinking I’m going to be coming here less & less anymore. But the flavor of this place is getting a little sour.
I just skip them. Who am I to decide what people ask and what they don’t? I don’t own Fluther, and those that do seem to be OK with it.
@grumpyfish I agree with you. I don’t want them completely hidden, but a tab would be great. I’ve asked too.
I do think they’re getting old and too many. But as someone who has asked a few questions regarding sex, I think if you honestly have a question that you need help with, in any subject, then of course ask. The last one I asked, I googled first. I found very little information and nothing helpful. So I turned to the group that I’ve grown to trust for honest, thoughtful, friendly, intelligent help. That would be you, Fluther! Not only has there been an influx of NSFW questions, but of questions of all kinds which, in my opinion, could be answered with some simple research, or with a little common sense. But, I guess that’s the nature of this beast.
Edit: I also don’t mind most questions that are to prompt discussion in any subject. Most.
I skip them now. I’ve heard quite enough about masturbation already.
@Captain_Fantasy Yeah, everybody talks about masturbation but nobody does anything about it!
Oddly I’m alright with the jokes about masturbation, but NSFW has shown me that I really don’t need people to be THAT honest with me about the most intimate moments of their personal lives.
I decided after posting a comment that read “don’t rub one out at work” that I was done with NSFW.
I think instead it should be: “UGPDI” or “Unnecessarily Graphic Personal Details Inside”.
The extra letter should serve as a warning.
Yes, these types of questions are getting really trite around here, in my opinion.
IMHO it has changed fluther in a huge way, and I’m not so sure I will frequent it as much.
For the people that are really put off by the NSFW q’s- I’m wondering why you can’t just skip them? They’re clearly labeled.
@Likeradar ~ I realize that is a gut-reaction many will voice… however, the fact is the surge of NSFW activity has changed the culture of the community, in a sometimes pornographic/lewd/X rated direction. I feel that they have made room for similar banter on non-NSFW questions. Personally, I would prefer if there were a NSFW tab because sometimes I fluther at work, and the last thing I want is for a supervisor or nosy co-worker to see one of the many NSFW questions on the main page and question exactly what kind of site I’m on. Also, sometimes the filter at work picks up on the NSFW questions and blocks fluther completely, until the questions fall off the main page which is a drag. Like I said, just my opinion.
@mcbealer I do agree that there might be some benefits of a special tab for NSFW q’s, but I guess I just haven’t noticed the sex talk spill over into other q’s.
You know what is really getting old? People who continue to complain about NSFW questions and how much the “new” fluther sucks now because of the new users.
@Violet Stating how I feel. Get over it.
I would love to hear from some mods on this subject. Has this been discussed behind the scenes? Is there some kind of consensus?
@Violet the whole purpose of Fluther is to ask questions that are on user’s minds. This has as much validity as a discussion as the NFSW questions.
@SuperMouse funny you should mention mods. I actually asked a couple of mods last night: which bothers them more, the NSFW questions, or people complaining about the NSFW questions. All said the complaining is more annoying.
@jjmah ah ha ha ha!! And I was stating how I felt as well. It sounds like you are the one who needs to “get over it”!
@Violet Well, I’m over you and I feel pretty damn good about that.
@jjmah you’re not a very nice person. But I’m flattered I could evoke such a reaction out of you.
Also, you’re profile says: “Don’t have time for hate nor negativity”. HA!
In comparison to how many questions get asked per day, there really aren’t very many NSFW questions. Maybe it seems that way because NSFW sticks out so much in the question.
There are some people you can tell who ask them excessively because they rack up points and produce a lot of responses.
Others, ask them because they have a genuine interest in the topic or need help solving a problem.
It sounds very pompous to tell people what they can and can’t ask. I’m not saying you’re pompous, but it comes off that way when people constantly complain about it.
If you don’t like a question, skip it and move on.
Someone needs to be de-clawed…
People! Programming is a wonderful thing… In addition to an NSFW checkbox for questions and an NSFW switch in your profile, there’s no reason why the software couldn’t scan questions and answers and automatically flag questions and answers as NSWF if they contain “NSFW” or certain other words, and hide NSFW content from those who have it deselected in their profile.
@MacBean I’m fine. I’ll drop it. Actually, I’ll apologize. I got carried away. Sorry, @Violet. I don’t like being this way.
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