Meta Question

DominicX's avatar

What are examples of questions here that people don't like?

Asked by DominicX (28813points) March 17th, 2010

So it’s come to my attention that a number of users are complaining about the low question quality. Maybe I am just completely oblivious to it, but I am not exactly sure what people are referring to.

What kinds of questions are you all referring to? Obviously, I don’t know if it would be right to link to them, but could you at least describe the types in detail? Not just “teh stoopid wunz”.

What types of questions would like to see less of here and what would you like to see more of?

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48 Answers

filmfann's avatar

How do I talk my girlfriend into doing a three way?
What does this dream mean?
Why do I have to do what my parents want? (then, avoid saying how old they are)
I’m really into my best friend! Help!

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I want more threads about how great the album “Morbid Tales” is.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Any NSFW question anymore, (just saw a sex & food question for God’s sake!) hypothetical questions that make absolutely NO sense, what song is this, how can I make him/her love me, what is this rash, should I call him/her….on & on. Ugh! I’m sure I could site some more if I just went back to the home page. It’s all there.

MacBean's avatar

@jbfletcherfan So… is there any sort of question you do approve of?

DominicX's avatar

haha…even I have to admit I’m sick of “dream meaning” questions… :P

But yes, don’t forget I am also asking what types of questions you do want to see.

MacBean's avatar

I’m not sick of any types of questions because I don’t waste my time on ones that don’t interest me. People can ask whatever they like. I’ll read/answer whatever I like.

Vunessuh's avatar

Thanks for asking this question.
All I’ve been seeing from these particular people is them bitching and moaning about what they don’t like, instead of expressing what they want more of.
I’ve also been hearing that it’s only a particular group of people who are responsible for these types of unwanted questions (Does he like me?, What’s your favorite sexual position?, d0 YoU smokE WeeD LOL?) which is false and a very weak argument.
In the end, we are ALL responsible for the activity and content of this website. Not just certain people. All of us. And many are trying to pass the blame to only a few. (The one’s who migrated from different websites, when they themselves came from another website too. Hypocritical much?)

If I’m not interested in a question, I do the most logical thing and skip it. I don’t get my panties in a twist over it.
Instead of bitching to each other, if it’s that damn important, perhaps these people should take their concerns to the mods and owners.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I’m have no problem with anybody asking any type of question as long as they follow guidelines. This site is used by a myriad of different people, and as such, I expect there to be many different types of questions. That being said, these are the types of questions I personally don’t really prefer, and usually skip over.

- NSFW questions, especially due to the rise in numbers of these questions lately.

- Homework questions that directly ask for an answer to a problem. (I have no problem helping someone who shows partial effort, and is respectfully looking for a few hints, or someone to nudge them in the right direction).

- Interpretation of dream questions.

- Easily google-able questions. (If it’s by a new user, I might be inclined to help them, as to not sour them on the site right away).

- What is the meaning/point of lurve questions.

- Medical advice questions where the OP seems to have already made up their mind, and ignores sound advice.

- Relationship advice questions which are too personal or complex for any reasonable answers to be given.

Again, these are just my personal preferences, and my usual action is to skip over these types of questions, in favor of something more to my taste. As long as the OP follows the guidelines, I have no problem with any type of question being asked. If users are displeased with the quality of questions as of late, they need only to ask the type of questions they wish to see.

dpworkin's avatar

I like food and recipe questions, and all the different types of questions wherein I learn something new. I like certain discussion questions, especially when knowledgeable people discuss a topic I am unfamiliar with. I like questions to which I know the answer, because it’s fun to be the person with the first/best answer. I like some of the threads where Flutherites who “know” one another banter a little bit. I am sometimes moved by questions where someone is in genuine pain and is asking for genuine assistance, and I especially like such a question if I am able to assist.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m always a fan of the positive outlook on things. Rather than asking what you don’t like, why not ask what you do like.

Ok, I said I was a fan, not that I could do it!

dpworkin's avatar

Ooops, I’m sorry, I answered this backwards. OK, kindly edit my answer to read as though I had written the opposite.

DominicX's avatar

Gah…you guys, I asked for you to name both! If people would read the details. :P


filmfann's avatar

@DominicX You want us to read the little words too?

dpworkin's avatar

Oh, OK, so leave the first answer alone and add that I dislike intentionally provocative (trolling) questions, adolescent crush questions, hypothetical questions, “push-poll” questions which are really to express a point of view, not to generate discussion, and I’m getting a little tired of the naivete of some of the questions I find about the blind from time to time, but that’s because I encounter that stuff elsewhere, too. I actually don’t mind answering even the silliest ones, because I feel that at least I may be educating someone.

rangerr's avatar

Dead baby joke questions.

Likeradar's avatar

There are main 2 types I roll my eyes at…

1. Person A texted me when I was hanging out with person B and C and asked me a question about person D and I was like OMG and then person E and their brother walked by and was like, OMG…

2. The guy I like coughed when I walked by… what’s the deep, symbolic meaning behind this?

KatawaGrey's avatar

The types of questions that really get on my nerves are the ones to the tune of, “Why did my question get moderated?” or “Isn’t moderation just censorship?” etc. Generally, I dislike the ones trying to change how fluther works.

I like thoughtful questions and the occasional hypothetical. Questions about current affairs are also very much appreciated because they generate good discussion.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No preference.It depends on my mood.If I don’t like a question,I skip it.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@DominicX Oops, sorry!

Questions I generally do like:

- Questions which ask for advice or experiences from other users about particular situations, but give clear enough details to be answered meaningfully. (I especially like these if I personally have experience in the topic, and can help out).

- Can you suggest some _____ music for me questions. I enjoy passing along music that I have discovered, and hearing suggestions from other jellies. (The same is true for books).

- Funny questions which require a little bit of thought, but still get me laughing. Here is an example.

- Questions that take an obscure scientific fact/theory and expand it to a hypothetical (but somewhat logical) situation. MattBrowne is good at this.

- Questions about photography/plants/ecology/biology/science, but only because these are areas where I have at least some knowledge or expertise.

-Questions that let us take a step back and enjoy the smaller things. Tell me something great that happened to you today type questions.

These are just some of the ones I like, and usually try to answer. Perhaps I’m a bit of a pessimist, because I found it much easier to pinpoint exactly the type of questions that I do not like, versus the questions I do like.

Quick, someone ask a lighthearted question to help change my mood!

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I really don’t want to know about “What do I do about this guy?” stuff. Can we have a category for “boy/girl trouble”?

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I forgot to mention 2012 questions. I can be civil about the other type of questions that I don’t like, but I hate, hate, hate 2012 questions. Aaaargh!

rangerr's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Don’t worry, there’s only two more years until they end.

Jeruba's avatar

After 2012, what’s the next world-will-end prediction? As long as there’s yet another prediction, we can have Hope. And inane questions.

Likeradar's avatar

@Jeruba January 1, 2013.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh. Not much relief there, then, is there?

filmfann's avatar

the 2012 questions annoy me to the point of head explosion.

Trillian's avatar

@filmfann If that throbbing vein in your temple pops, I’m not cleaning it up!

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I hate the ones that say “Remember when Fluther was good? Not like the crap we’re reading today?”

Allie's avatar

I don’t particularly like teenage love/relationship-y questions along the lines of “Does he like me?” or “How do I get her to like me?” I’ve seen a million of them, I don’t care. These are probably the questions that annoy me most. The rest, if I don’t like them, I’ll pass them. The teen crush questions bother me though.

DominicX's avatar


The funny part is people were saying that same shit when I first joined this site. People say stuff like that all the time about almost everything, whether it’s episodes of a TV show, “kids these days”, or Fluther questions.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Honestly, the only thing I really don’t like about “bad” questions is that I have to dig through more questions to get to the ones I really want to answer.

I don’t like the ones whining about how fluther is run simply because these people tend to poison other threads.

Dr_C's avatar

I no longer see questions in terms of like and don’t like. Thanks to a genius Jelly things like 2012 for me now show up as STFU…. and a specific catch phrase that had gotten particularly annoying now shows up as I might be stupid. I laugh ever single time.
btw this only happens on fluther

AstroChuck's avatar

Why did my question about 2012 get modded? This would never have happened on Answerbag. And how can I get him to like me?

Violet's avatar

People hate the NSFW question. The even talk shit about the people who ask the NSFW questions on Facebook.

And like @Captain_Fantasy said, the ones saying how fluther use to be so great before people came over from Answerbag.

DominicX's avatar


I don’t get what all the hullabaloo about the NSFW questions is. Are people prude or something?

rangerr's avatar

@DominicX Jealous. Prude. Same thing.

Violet's avatar

@DominicX I love you for saying that. I totally agree.
There is a category on fluther called sex. .

augustlan's avatar

The only questions that greatly annoy me are trolling Qs and 2012 Qs. On the other hand, I do get the happy side benefit of being able to make them disappear! <POOF!>

Violet's avatar

@augustlan I don’t have my glasses on and I thought you said <POOP!>

escapedone7's avatar

If it isn’t rude to drop names, I always love @wundayatta‘s questions. @Captain_Fantasy also asks a lot of good ones.

Some of the questions I’ve enjoyed were very simple, such as “What as the last thing you did when you went out the door?” or “When was the last time someone thanked you?” The answers everyone provides gives a little peek into the lives of all these various flutherites somehow. I find it fun and interesting.

I like questions that deal with the things everybody deals with and hearing the different opinions on it. We all deal with crying babies in a store, or traffic jams, relatives who don’t respect boundaries, annoying neighbors, etc. I find it interesting when someone presents a problem that a lot of people have struggled with but hearing how so many different people have handled the common problems in life differently, in their own unique way.

I enjoy questions that provoke a lot of thought. Two recent ones were what advantages do men have over women, then a counter thread opened up about advantages to being a woman instead of a man.

I like the way reading other people’s perspectives changes my views and teaches me things. Before I started reading these questions, I did not think as much about gender identity, gay rights, etc. and after meeting delightful people who are intelligent, well spoken, and clear about how certain things effect their lives I know things I didn’t know before I came here. I learn something new about people every day.

I dislike questions that seem aimed at bashing people or pushing a political or racist agenda. i respect everyone’s right to ask what they want though, so I wouldn’t censor them. I do dislike some topics though.

Val123's avatar

Well, I just skip over 90% of the questions and latch on to the ones I’m interested in, so….I don’t really care what kinds of questions get asked. Unless they have graphic sexual innuendo in the question, or cussing in the question.

OperativeQ's avatar

I’ve never really noticed a decline in question quality. There were shitty questions before and there’s shitty questions now.


Personally I cannot stand dumb “relationship” questions, like “My boyfriend has been violent with me several times. How can I convince him that I really love him? Should I stay with him?”, or “My girlfriend left me for another guy. How can I get her back?” I find such questions so naive and empty-headed. It’s like “Duh?!” Lol.

dpworkin's avatar

You can always ignore a question. I just don’t find questions to be problematic unless they are racist or trolling, or palpably dishonest. I have learned that the best thing to do is to flag them, and not post in them at all. (A long, long time ago I used to complain, in the thread. Like, the day before yesterday.)

I have problems when interesting threads become cluttered with uninformed, anecdotal answers posted with no care, expertise or sources. These are the type of posts that I have called “aggressive stupidity” in another topic. Why people answer questions when they don’t really know the answer is just beyond me.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t like negative questions that encourage people to bitch about things on fluther.

Allie's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES THANK YOU!!! I hate pretty much all of the relationship questions. “How do I ask her out?” “Is he flirting with me?” GAH! I feel like pulling my hair out every time I see one of those.

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