What gets your knickers in a twist?
Isn’t that such a delightful phrase? It means to become overwrought or unnecessarily upset over a trivial matter. I don’t know if you can call yourself out on this—it probably takes a pretty self-aware person who doesn’t mind poking fun at themselves. Still, what really pushes your buttons? You know it’s ridiculous, but you can’t help yourself. You get all wound up.
Around here, I think some people get their knickers in a twist over trolls or NSFW questions and such. I, of course, never get my knickers in a twist, and it’s not because I’m not wearing any. Well, not that I ever wear knickers but you know what I mean. I’m just so calm cool and collected that nothing bothers me. Although, sometimes these questions complaining about questions really get my knickers…. Damn!
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50 Answers
I hate to be instructed on what to say and how to say it by arrogant Flutherites who appoint themselves hall monitors. It makes me want to splatter the walls with blood.
I get my panties in a bunch whenever I see someone toss a cigarette out their car window.
A night of tossing and turning.
When I make a joke, and people think I mean something by it.
I’m often just going for the funny!
On Fluther, my knickers get twisted when someone writes something that doesn’t make sense, others point it out and they still won’t acknowledge their mistake. I at least acknowledge the good points that others make even if I don’t agree with them on their entire worldview. Acknowledging a good point won’t hurt you. Is it that hard?
At home, when my husband points out stuff that I haven’t taken care of because I’m a huge procrastinator. I put the “pro” in “procrastinator,” baby!
Most things. I’m a pretty irritable person.
People being rude to service workers like cashiers – that just grinds me. They have to be there – you don’t.
Trolls twist my knickers.
Them I’d like to eviscer(s).
Reality tv, blisters,
Loud mouths and big fisters.
And cell phones in the theater, little mister!
I’ve always heard it as “panties in a wad.”
Dirty glassware put in the sink rather than beside on the counter or better yet, inside a dishwasher.
Pet hair on furniture and clothes.
People who don’t wash their hands after using the restroom.
Snorting back snot.
Spitting in public.
Belching without excusing oneself.
People who go into a store to do business and then talk on their cellphones while not paying attention to their transactions and holding up other people in line.
Children left to run around stores unattended.
*just a few
People who have neverending pity parties all the damn time. Move on, already! We ALL have problems, we ALL walk around in pain. You have not cornered the market on human suffering, friend. Snap out of, get on yer damn meds, and quit sucking the life out of everyone around you. Enough with the emotional vampirism!
Edited: Oh, yeah…..and get off the damn cell phone in public areas, rude ass. I don’t care what Aunt Edna’s new hair color is.
Discrimination of any kind makes my hackles rise, but I occasionally flip my shit when it comes to discrimination against women, trans/genderqueer folks, the mentally ill, and the handicapped.
People with a skewed sense of entitlement.That and thick hamburgers.
People who can’t take a joke, GRRR!
Bloody people who think they can spew any kind of garbage and contempt on Fluther and then get bent all out of shape when they are asked to clean up their language.
^^ There’s an example of the kind of shit I hate, right there.
On fluther, I get irritated when people get all snobby about spelling and grammar. Get over it already. Can’t ya’ll put that energy into something more positive.
IRL, I get irritated when I see people litter. I’ll never understand it.
When someone asks me for my opinion and then jumps all over me…because they don’t like my opinion. If you didn’t want to know, then don’t ask.
A petty one. When my husband doesn’t throw away the empty toilet paper roll. The effing trash can is a foot away from where he leaves it…throw the damn thing away! GRRR!
When people are insensitive to suffering. Wait, that isn’t trivial.
When people make assumptions about me.
And, I am with Vunessuh on the tampons.
@phillis Sorry about aunt Edna but when I’m on my blue tooth on line, you’ll be amazed how much quicker I get to check out because people think I’m crazy and talking to myself. LOL :D
@wundayatta Liars and intellectual snobs.
@Pandora Aunt Edna can suck it! Her shade of blue isn’t any better than any other old lady’s choice. She needs to get her eyebrows painted back on in the same color. She’s a smooth as a baby’s ass from the eyelids up. It’s traumatizing. Nobody wants to hear that shit :)
ROLMAO, but the line phillis. It moves quickly for me. :)))
I try not to let anything anger me. I’m pretty successful – with the help of the thought that… anger comes from disparity between your ideal of the world, and the world. I’ve learned to accept first. Sure, we try to change some things, but in acceptance at least it’s not angering.
That said, polluters – people that commit logical fallacies for two examples.
@cak Sometimes I let the empty toilet paper rolls collect. He’s got to notice 10 of them laying around. Right?!....uh-huh
@cak @jonsblond I asked my husband just the other day why he does that and he said because they should go in the recycle, not the garbage, so I now put a recycle trash can in the bathroom, and he puts them in it.
People who are ahead of me in line and take all day to decide what they want at the shops. I want my butter pecan ice cream, you doof, hurry it up!
@aprilsimnel I’m telling you a blue tooth works. I’ve done it several times. People even let you get ahead just to get the crazy person out of the line.
What d’ye mean by a “blue tooth”, @Pandora?
It matches the hair, April :)
Few things that really grind my gears are
People who talk on there cell phones while checking out. I really want to slap these people
People trying to tell me how to live my life I.E. I am a smoker and I hate when non-smokers try to say “You know smoking is bad for you. I just want to say to them “You know talking about my smoking is bad for you”.
Cardboard Tampons are the worst!!!!
Child abuse and slow service at restaurants! I can handle all else.
I disclose things to people when I feel safe with them and trust them. I feel uncomfortable when they take license to disseminate what I trusted them with in private.
Abuse also gets my panties in a wad.
I also hate people that assign what they are assuming are my intentions based on a simple question. For example if I ask a question such as, “Is the tradition of saying “Please” and “Thank You” outdated manners or still relevant in this day and age? ” I would ask that quesiton without thinking I am telling people the answer. I would be seeking what they think. I would consider the answerers opinions. I would weigh if the younger responders felt different than older ones, and consider if past traditions are changing. I might not be pursuing an agenda to force anyone to keep or abandon a tradition, simply asking what they think.
If I get publicly ass raped by an angry frothing mouthed psychopath that says I am telling him what to say, I get kind of scared of him. He could simply answer “No, I don’t think manners are as relevant as free speech.” The end. But instead, he may rip me apart assuming I am insisting he use the words please and thank you, ordering him what to say, bossing him around, when I was just asking a hypothetical question.
I am a little sensitive to verbal and emotional (and physical) abuse and do not wish to experience it anymore. I’m afraid the blood on the walls could be real and I have had my blood on a wall before. I wonder if it might occur to that person he is also restricting my ability to say what I want, but apparently that doesn’t matter. He can scare the shit out of me so I’m afraid to ask anything else that is about Language or Ethics from here on out, and thus is actually being the one restricting what I can say and telling me what I can say. Hmmm. That, my friend, is hypocrisy wrapped in rage.
I’ll second: People who can’t take a joke.
@phillis LOL, low blow. ;( My hair isn’t blue. Yet!!
People who don’t understand the great pleasure that there is in using a phrase like “getting your knickers in a twist.” :)
I agree, people should be able to ask whatever they like without being belittled. I also get annoyed when a question is quickly deemed a nonsense question, or a made up question. Every category is important. If the person does not like the category or question move on? Oh I forgot they desperately want to earn points? to get some lurv?
I don’t respond well when someone tells me what to do or when to do it.
I bend over backwards to help people who ask me to do something by making it clear what they need and what time constraints are involved. That always applied to employers as well as spouses and children.
I worked very hard to get to the level I attained in my career and I earned the right to be asked rather than told.
Until my current marriage, I was not treated with this kind of respect. My previous wifes noted that when they failed to ask instead of demand, that they were disappointed with my compliance. By children were quick learners on this point; much better than their uterus provider.
@Dr_Lawrence you have my respect, you always answer so concisely and I love your answers.
Well, If I;m running, or doing something active and I’m wearing older underwear then they get a twisted and such, Also doesn’t help if it’s a hot day and I’m sweating.
Looking over these answers and thinking about some of them, I realized people who can’t take a joke really bother me, too. But not quite as much as people who never take anything seriously.
^ Cardboard tampons are a joke and I can’t take them.
People that can dish it out but can’t take it.
Online drama queens.
Religious freaks.
@FutureMemory: How about offline drama queens? You can’t scroll past them. :(
The only thing that really sends me over the edge is cruelty. Brings out the Xena in me.
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