Meta Question

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Why does the CIA show an interest in Fluther, when the NSA has more to do with computer intelligence?

Asked by FireMadeFlesh (16613points) March 17th, 2010

The NSA is responsible for the National Computer Security Centre, so why does the CIA monitor Fluther instead (or as well as?) of the NSA?

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33 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

Because the NSA is monitoring the CIA.

shadling21's avatar

The NSA is monitoring Fluther, and the CIA monitors Fluther by monitoring the NSA’s monitoring of Fluther.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Of course, it all makes sense now!

timtrueman's avatar

Funny story, I’ve actually been to the NSA headquarters. No, really. I’m not even kidding. If there’s anything I can say about it, it’s that they gave me directions to lunch.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@timtrueman Seriously? I’m guessing you can’t talk about it…

timtrueman's avatar

Removed by the NSA

JLeslie's avatar

The CIA is monitoring us?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

While fun, I don’t know that Fluther is really big enough to be of any benefit to the FBI/NSA/CIA etc. Small potatoes as they say.

jaytkay's avatar

if u yuse coad thae caant reed ur ryting

JLeslie's avatar

@FireMadeFlesh LOL!! We have so many monitors, uh mods, already; what’s another?

YARNLADY's avatar

With all this monitoring going on, it’s a wonder there is any unemployment in the U.S. at all.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@JLeslie Good point. I think its about time the Fluther appointed mods featured in a conspiracy theory of their own.

@YARNLADY They had a graph on the news recently that showed US government expenditure is exceeding tax revenue by a huge amount, and the American people are getting their government for free at the moment. I’m not sure they can afford many more agents.

escapedone7's avatar

Why are they monitoring fluther??? Are they just monitoring most internet sites in general or has this one been singled out?

Likeradar's avatar

@escapedone7 Just this one. Because of, you know… the stuff.

Jeruba's avatar

Looks like they haven’t peeked in lately, though:

jaytkay's avatar

Are they just monitoring most internet sites in general or has this one been singled out?

They singled out Fluther.

Wait, Fluther and Cute Overload.

But none others.

Dr_C's avatar

I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.
Kill you sooner I mean

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@Dr_C Hell, I’m about to die anyway – I just had bunch of Black Hawks fly overhead.

Dr_C's avatar

@FireMadeFlesh can’t say I didn’t warn you

rangerr's avatar

@Jeruba Yeah, but FBI has been.

Jeruba's avatar

Gosh, I forgot about them, @rangerr. Well, at least they don’t go around removing our posts.

NSA's avatar

Who says we’re not monitoring you?

rangerr's avatar

Good job, @FireMadeFlesh… Now look what you did.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Oh that’s just wonderful. Did I just make Fluther the world’s most suspicious site?

lillycoyote's avatar

@timtrueman I certainly haven’t been anywhere near the NSA but I do have in my possession correspondence from the Trilateral Commission. I was having dinner at a friend’s house and one of the other guests, well, it turns out he worked there. Seemed like just an ordinary guy. I kind of gave him a hard time but he was a good sport. Then I asked him, gave him my address and asked him to send me anything, anything at all on official Trilateral Commission stationary. And he was such a sweetheart. A few weeks later a manila envelope, an official Trilateral Commission manila envelope arrived at my house, hand addressed to me, with a cover letter on official Trilateral Commission stationary, full of brochures. Who the hell knew that the Trilateral Commission even published brochures? It was hilarious and it is one of my prized possessions.

CIA's avatar

This is MY TURF! Go away computer geeks NSA.

rangerr's avatar

Awww. nerdfight.

NSA's avatar

Back off, CIA, or you’ll be sorry. Ve haff our vays.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

It’s uncanny how people vanish without a trace…

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@FireMadeFlesh we can’t afford any more “free” government.

Jeruba's avatar

There you are, @CIA. I tried to wake you up twice last year when somebody here had given you a great entrance cue, but you were dozing too soundly. Looks like we have nothing to fear from you.

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