General Question

XOIIO's avatar

Whats the song in this game?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) March 18th, 2010

Is the song in “this“ game a real song? It is the song the ganster is player in his car. If it is not could someone record it and send me the mp3? I really like it.

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11 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

Do you mean the instrumental that plays when the car is parked by a wall and a dude is pissing on said wall? I don’t recognize it and don’t know how to lift audio from flash games. Sorry.

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah the instrumental. I was just wondering if you could record the sound that would be coming from the speakers with an audio recorder program.

FutureMemory's avatar

I only know how to lift audio from video files that I’ve downloaded, e.g. Youtube videos. Can a flash game be downloaded? If they can be I’m unaware of the procedure.

I actually wrote to a dude about his embedded flash game, I wanted to be able to play it without logging into the site I found it on. He said he didn’t think it could be done.

jrpowell's avatar

Is this the right one?

XOIIO's avatar

How did you get it?

jrpowell's avatar

Audio Hijack Pro
I just told it to grab all the audio from Firefox as a mp3.

FutureMemory's avatar

Dang that sounds cool. wish they had PC version.

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah same

filmfann's avatar

Thats not really a song. It’s just a rhythm

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