@Cruiser, I haven’t cited talking points, I have cited things I can document as being the truth. Haven’t debated this??? FRD first called for the need to reform healthcare over 70 years ago. Trumann, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter and Clinton all echoed that call. This one attempt has been debated for over a year. And you say I’m spouting talking points? Pot, meet kettle.
I’m as disgusted as you with pork barrel politics, but as long as voters keep reelecting their congressman or senator because s/he “brought home the bacon” pork will remain a part of the sausage making process.
We can shake our fists at politicians, Congress, or Washington, or whatever other straw-man we want to skewer in our anger, but the fault lies with John Q. Public who keeps voting in the ridiculous fantasy they are going to get something for nothing. Liberals more often vote for social programs that won’t cost anything, and conservatives keep voting for tax cuts that will pay the deficit down.
Bills are so ridiculously long for two reasons, one good and one not so good. The good reason is that they are law . They MUST be incredibly specific or every law of the land would be open to interpretation. This cop or judge thinks you are fine and that one thinks you broke the fuzzy law big time.
Not only that, new legislation today modifies or incorporates many, many laws already on the books. How it does must be carefully laid out in the bill. That’s why we so often elect lawyers to represent us. They can actually read through and comprehend what a bill means, and once passed, it’s going to be lawyers as prosecutors, attorneys general and judges who must apply and enforce it.
The bad reason is we allow unlimited amendments to every law. Every lawmaker can get hiss or her pet project in it to assure reelection by voters who welcome the bacon. More and more, Republicans are using the amendment process to simply stall anything getting done so they can then blame the Democrat [sic] Congress for not doing anything. Reforming any of this, as you note, isn’t likely to happen any time soon. Even the lawmakers who fall victim to the amendment process today want to keep it as a tool they can use when they are in the minority. Such is life.
None of that is a sensible reason to sit and do nothing as we are heading down the road where we absolutely know the bridge to healthcare in the future is washed out and we are going to go over a cliff called death.