Social Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Barring self defense and defense of others in obviously immiment physical peril, what would it take to get you mad enough to fight?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) March 18th, 2010

Do you have a point past which you just can’t tolerate anymore and the only possible response left, is to fight?

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12 Answers

elenuial's avatar

Considering that I:

1) Go to jail forever if I get into a fight for almost any reason;

2) Will lose a fight unless I try to heinously injure my opponent in the first couple of seconds;

there is almost nothing that will cause me to fight somebody.

Fighting is stupid anyhow. Usually it’s boys being moronic over something. We should all just screw hug.

tinyfaery's avatar

Is fighting really ever the only option? I say no. But one never knows how they might react. Someone hit me once and I instinctively fought back. It wasn’t a choice so much as a compulsion.

wundayatta's avatar

I would never get mad enough to fight. If I fight, it’s because I have decided it is the best way to meet my goal. Violence should never be initiated by anger. That’s about the stupidest thing I can think of.

phillis's avatar

It would be something having to do with someone who cannot fight back. A wheelchair-bound individual, an elderly person, someone frail, a child (definitely my own children!), or a person whose self-esteem is so low that they can’t defend themselves. Taking advantage of such dibilitating weaknesses in someone is pure evil. I WILL step in, and have had several situations in which I did exactly that.

lillycoyote's avatar

I’m not really a fighter. I’m pretty even tempered and easy-going, and when I’m irritable or in kind of a bitchy mood, I try to keep to myself, so I don’t lash out at innocent bystanders. So what makes me mad enough to fight? It depends. I just happens when it happens. I have a very long fuse, but when you have reached the end of it, you have reached the end of it, beware! And this is, of course, about verbal fights, possibly screaming matches. I don’t get into physical fights ever.

noyesa's avatar

No, why would somebody do that?


As angry as I can get, I would not opt to fight. I have great self-control, and choosing to fight because of a reason other than the ones you mentioned would be foolish and senseless. I’m a very good fighter, but there’s not a good enough reason to use my physical skills to hurt someone or to get hurt myself. The only reason I would choose to fight someone is if that person was hurting a small innocent child or animal, especially my own children. But even if saw someone seriously hurting a boy or a girl that I didn’t know, I would quickly intervene and fight to protect that child.

cockswain's avatar

I was playing soccer last night, and I barely clipped the heel of a guy on the other team with my toe while we were chasing the ball. At worst, he maybe stumbled a half-step, and I immediately said “sorry, man.” He responded by saying “You’re so fucking stupid!” I was ready to fight. So that’s all it takes for me I guess.

chamelopotamus's avatar

If I ask for a common courtesy and someone refuses to do it, and I’m not prepared to be understanding of their attitude, I will instinctually revert to using language to force them to understand my position, and their lack of consideration to it. That’s usually all it amounts to because I would never use that force if I didn’t have to, and I’ve had to learn get very good at it, and it usually works just fine.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Add mass quantities of alcohol to my perception of ridicule and I’m vicious so I’ve stopped drinking. This is a facet of myself I thought long gone with youth but alas, no.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I tried to think of something barring defence of some kind, and I just can’t think of anything!

JeffVader's avatar

I struggle to tolerate people saying anything bad about my family… unless I’ve brought it up first.

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