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tinyfaery's avatar

Why are ladybugs usually exempt from entomophobia?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) March 18th, 2010

I hate bugs, especially flying ones. Yes, how typical. I hate the way they move and if they come into my house I make sure my cats kill them. If I see a bug outside I move away from the area. Bugs flying around me freak me out. So why am I not scared of ladybugs? They are buggish and they even fly, but when I see one I stop and look. If one lands on me I take it to a plant and let it crawl or fly off. If any other type of bug (not moths or butterflies) landed on me I would squeal and jump around to get it off me.

It’s not just me. It can’t simply be because they are red. Is it conditioning from childhood?

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