Social Question

[NSFW] Women, does a penis turn you on? Or only your guy's penis? Or none at all?
There was this other question about guys jerking off on chatroullette and how this probably wasn’t attractive to anyone. I’ve found that some women get very turned on by pictures of a penis—although that was a picture of a penis of someone they knew and liked.
But it makes me wonder if any woman ever gets turned on by pictures of random penises, the same way guys can get turned on by pictures of random female genitalia. It also makes me wonder if there are women who never get turned on by a picture of any penis, whether they know the guy or not. Or maybe they don’t even like to look at a real world one.
So women, what are your feelings about pictures of penises? Do any of them arouse you? If so, which ones? If not, why do you think that is? What is your feeling about looking at a real life penis? Do you like to do it; do you find it arousing; or do you just prefer to do other things?