Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

If the plural of mouse is mice, then what's the plural of spouse?

Asked by Brian1946 (32756points) March 19th, 2010

All I’ve ever had is one spouse, so I don’t really know! ;-)

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25 Answers

mangeons's avatar

Spouses? Spice?

ucme's avatar


ucme's avatar

Double trouble?

njnyjobs's avatar


@Brian1946… you have a wife, but never learned the plural of a simple word?... I hope she’s not following this…

Chongalicious's avatar

Ooohh, spicey ;)

erichw1504's avatar

Real Answer: Spouses
Sarcastic Answer: Polygamist

tinyfaery's avatar

As if English makes any sense.

Trillian's avatar

I wonder stuff like that myself. If there is one mouse and two mice, what is the plural for moose?

njnyjobs's avatar

@Trillian Moose . . . herd

jaytkay's avatar

How much spice could a spouse spew if a spouse could spew spice?

ucme's avatar

@jaytkay I just said that out loud & spat chocolate muffin all over my screen.Rats.

starshine's avatar

@trillian the plural for moose is moose. some people will try to make you believe it is meese. run away from them, they are trying to make you look like an idiot.
I live in Alaska…I would know. (<—said in a very sarcastic voice)

cbloom8's avatar

Professional Mistress and Wife.

Brian1946's avatar


“you have a wife, but never learned the plural of a simple word?”

I haven’t had time.
My spousal unit and I have been busy with home maintenance on our hice. ;-)

Brian1946's avatar


I thought the plural of “you” was “yice”, but now that I think of the time that I was mugged in NYC, I do remember being called “youse”. :-p

gailcalled's avatar

The plural of the mouse I am using now is “mouses.”

MrsDufresne's avatar

Speece. sorry. lol

Arp's avatar


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