What do men think of women bellies?
Some women have washboard bellies, some have six packs, some have jelly bellies, others have monster bellies, some just have a bit of “women belly”
Go on be honest which is your favourite belly and why?
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146 Answers
I like a little something to be there. Like this. I’m not sure why, it is just what I like.
Well, my boyfriend loves mah belleh!! Haha it’s washboardish when I’m standing, but squishy when I sit :)
But if I liked girls, I’m all about that flat tight belly! No six pack though, that’s creepy to me on a woman, sorry!
I personally like it when you can see a bit of hip bone and definition to a woman’s stomach.
Now the lower back is another story. I love the dimples of venus :P
Women have bellies? Who knew.
@meagan oooh I got those, and someone once pointed it out that they are not common? I am rare yay! is it true though. (dimples of Venus) didn’t know they were called that?
I thought everyone had those dimples? Hm.
Women naturally should have a bit o’ belly. It’s part of the female form. Just look at all the Renaissance paintings of naked women. You don’t see any scrawny America’s Next Top Model bitches there.
I will note, however, that I do watch ANTM religiously. I’m not proud of it.
I pretty much agree with the magazine Cosmopolitan on bellies. If you must have a butt counterweight use the breasts.
@escapedone7: pregnant != fat. You can be pregnant and fit. If a woman is going to birth 12 offsping she can’t be the kind of woman who is going to use pregnancy as an excuse to let her body go without major consequences.
@Just_Justine: A woman’s belly should be fit (without being manly) and contain a minimum of fat.
@malevolentbutticklish :: Do know this is where you need to write “fluther.com” on your rock hard six-pack and post a image?
Until you do that I am going to assume you have nacho cheese dripping off your shirt onto your muffin top.
All I can say is I wish men found realism attractive.
@johnpowell: Let us (falsely) assume that I am everything you imagine and worse. Can I not have an opinion on beauty? Are the men judging Miss America wrong to have this position because because they are not themselves supermodels? How about retired people with some wrinkles. According to you their opinion shouldn’t count either.
I can have an opinion that a “handsome” man would have a nice full head of hair.
Does that mean I can say “Every man should have a full head of hair,”?
You can’t give anyone standards. Oh, and that “pregnancy is an excuse for women to let themselves go” bullshit? Alright, then. You carry the baby. Go right ahead.
@DrasticDreamer: I’ve got no problem with that statement :-) ... but actually adult women can control the percent fat in their belly through diet, exercise, etc so I am not sure it is a good analogy.
@squidcake: I believe that they should. Doctors also believe it is good for health. Notice I didn’t say the government needs to pass any laws about what you eat to make it happen. I believe women have a right to be fat and unattractive but should choose not to be.
Curvy women are still healthy. Like I already said, that’s the natural female form. To say that women who don’t have flat stomachs are unhealthy is ludicrous.
@johnpowell: Unfortunately I cannot do so without the real potential of being recognized. I am sorry to disappoint you.
@DrasticDreamer: It is inconvenient. If I wanted to lie to you I could just post any photo of anyone.
I’m wondering why @malevolentbutticklish should have to prove that he’s Adonis in order to have valid opinions of female beauty. I have my own, and I’m certainly no male model. (Maybe a “Before” model.)
Because if he can set standards for what a female should look like, then why can’t we set standards for what he should look like?
They are great when fried in a wok, served with rice and curry sauce together with a nice bottle of sake.
@squidcake is it really that important if what’s his face doesn’t like the way some, or indeed any of us look? Who cares what a nipple head thinks?
I like subcutaneous fat. Women were designed to have it, it is an indicator of health and fertility, they suffer from amenorrhea when the ratio gets too low, but it must be said that above 26% body fat, they can also become infertile. I like someone who fits in that window. Imagine a painting by Courbet.
@squidcake: I thought the topic was “What do men think of women bellies?” but I must admit I am amused several in the crowd are more interested in my belly.
In terms of health and belly fat please consider the only credible life-extending diet is life extension through caloric restriction.
At the end of a day it IS just a preference…I’m sure most men would prefer their partners to have a nice flat stomach…JUST how I’m sure most women would prefer to wake up next to a Brad Pitt look alike with 8 inches down stairs.
Some might get what they find the most attractive, but at the end of the day, personality DOES make up for a bit of belly fat and lack of length :).
Well, I’d hope that they would have a healthy appriciation for such, considering they were incubated in a womans belly! lol
Thats how it all started, cuddled up in that belly under the breasts! lolol
@CyanoticWasp :: Everyone has what they find beautiful. Nothing is wrong with that.
“pregnant != fat. You can be pregnant and fit. If a woman is going to birth 12 offsping she can’t be the kind of woman who is going to use pregnancy as an excuse to let her body go without major consequences.”
The septic tank above is well beyond having a opinion on the female form.
@squidcake Now, that’s what I would consider perfection.
@j0ey: If you have more than a very small amount of belly fat your risk of many age-related diseases increases. There is a real health component. Belly fat is the most important fat when looking at these health risks. ... and I find it unattractive.
“If you’re carrying a few extra pounds, you’re not alone. But this is one case where following the crowd isn’t a good idea. Carrying extra weight — especially belly fat — can be risky. ” —Mayo Clinic
I prefer my women to be very thin. Not thin enough to see the bones, though. And I like a slight hint of belly muscles, a healthy light tan and maybe tanlines. And DFC.
@malevolentbutticklish :: So now you moved the goalpost. At first it was about what you like to look at. That didn’t work out that well so you switched to being concerned about health.
@johnpowell: Do you deny many woman use pregnancy (or previous pregnancy) as an excuse to ignore obesity related health concerns?
Recognized as what? lol
( It’s you behind the CIA takeovewr isn’t it? ) lolololol
Wait…I know…you are really Tiger Wood! hahahaha
I like abdominal muscles. Makes me feel like I’m loving someone who cares about their fitness.
@johnpowell: If there is any confusion I wish to be very clear: Low belly fat benefits both health and aesthetics. I personally have low body fat. (Especially when you consider I live in the USA!)
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@malevolentbutticklish If you are really just concerned that belly fat would be a health concern than why on earth would you want a woman to give birth 12 times. It takes on average 2 years for the body to get back to being completely healthy. Besides while keeping up with all the things that would go with raising 12 children when is she to eat right and work out? My grandmother had 11 kids. Was she skinny. Yes, was her stomach flat, no. They ate healthy enough. No sweets or junk food. All natural, however it is a busy life raising 11 children.
@Pandora: There are health risks associated with child bearing. Some things are worth the risk. Children are, lard isn’t.
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Gay girl here. I like a little meat on a woman’s belly, and thighs and ass. If I wanted rock hard abs I’d be with a man.
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@tinyfaery I couldn’t have said it better myself! Lurve!
Clearly by your choice of words…i.e. ‘lard’, well..that gives us a pretty good idea of your level of ‘maturity.’
@deni: I know some people like more or less fat. At the extreme there is a man in NJ who has a 600 lb wife and thinks she will look better once she puts on some weight. Still, there are indicators of what the general public desires aesthetically (magazine covers, models, movie stars, etc ) and they generally point to low-belly-fat women.
@escapedone7 You won’t get banned (hopefully), you’re just exposing a troll and saying what we’re all thinking.
Low-belly fat doesn’t necessarily mean no belly fat. In fact, it is virtually impossible to have no fat at all.
I love my rock hard abs, and intend to keep them.
That is all. Carry on.
You’re speaking for yourself and look where it has got you so far.
OK speak for yourself. I trolled too. I kept saying I was going to eat him. But , he’s on a plate. I mean, food on a plate makes me hungry.
We’re hating on @malevolentbutticklish because he likes what he likes?
Stop bashing.
+ There are people that love the ladies with the beautiful curves. But if we all loved them… who will love on the naturally skinnies?
@HTDC: Please consider that the facts are on my side in this matter. Of course many people have too much belly fat and take offense but instead maybe they should consider being less offended and doing more exercise. I am generally more polite to others than they are to me.
@lilikoi: Thank you. People tend to exaggerate what I say.
@malevolentbutticklish That is an extreme situation. There are extremes to every situation. Magazine covers are not real photographs. They are manipulated to the point that half the time they do not even look like the real person anymore. Movie stars and models are not an indicator of what the general public likes. It’s like how the Dallas Cowboys call themselves Americas team but really, unless you’re in Dallas, you’re gonna be hard pressed to find a Cowboy fan. It’s all about what they think people want to see, and yeah, thin women with minimum fat look fine but that doesn’t mean everyone has a personal trainer, chef, and hours to spend per day at a gym. Contrary to popular belief personality goes a long way to make up for a tiny bit of stomach fat and thus far in my life I’ve never had a guy say to me “well, i can poke you in the stomach and it’s not as hard as a rock, looks like I’m no longer interested”...and that type of person isn’t the type i’d like to spend my time with anyhow.
thats just how i see it. and i guess the only opinions that matter on this are mine, and my boyfriends. otherwise you can think what you want. obviously :)
It’s hard for me to answer, b/c while it’s important for a woman not to be obese, I think that different bellies can be attractive on different body types.
So I don’t just like one type. It all depends on what else is going on…
Trolls live in a land of make believe. I think its time I walk over the bridge where they supposenly live an move on. Eventually reality will always catch up.
@deni: “personality goes a long way to make up for a tiny bit of stomach fat ” <== thank you. If you have to MAKE UP FOR IT then it is bad, yes? You too agree with me it is bad? You just won’t come out and say it!
@deni OMG! I have actually had a guy grab my middle section as if he were testing the fat content (lol!!!). Apparently I passed, since he was all over me, but what a jerk! I never talked to him again.
@malevolentbutticklish No. thats not what i’m saying. what i’m saying is that if you met a woman that was absolutely wonderful in every respect, loving, beautiful, with the best personality you could imagine, and she did not have washboard abs but instead had a cute little stomach that was soft but not FAT, you couldn’t look past it? i dont personally think you need to “make up” for not being 2% body fat.
I just don’t expect a woman to birth 12 kids and have the flat tummy of a 14 year old. I can’t have kids. I respect that a woman’s body can and will change after multiple childbirths and with aging though. Even older women that are thin are shaped a little different. Maybe hormone changes or something. It doesn’t matter. To me they are still beautiful. I would hope that a man that insisted his wife bring forth child after child would be a little understanding that it would effect the tummy a little. Seems a little harsh.
@deni: When people select a mate many factors are weighed. Of course belly-fat is not the only factor (?? do you believe I ever said this ??).
@escapedone7: Many women have children and do what it takes to get back in shape, many don’t. Am I evil for wanting someone who does?
Both of my girlfriends think they’re fat, & they are not! They got a bit of winter fat, but that’s all. They have nice waists, & you can’t see their ribs (unlike me; I look creepy!). Their stummies are nice & warm & soft & comfy pillows!
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
@jaytkay: These are my true beliefs. If you think my belief that belly fat on women is bad for looks, bad for health is so outrageous that says a lot to me.
@malevolentbutticklish I guess to really know the answer to that question I would have to birth 12 kids and see how hard it is. That isn’t going to happen. I think mothers with experience would be better qualified to answer that so I will leave it to people who know more.
@jatkay I’ve been guilty of trolling too. I apologized. I did! I got my warning. (I must disagree without being disagreeable. I must disagree without being disagreeable.)
If I need corrected though, spank me. I like it.
Aaaah….the internet!
The perfect habitat for the elusive narcissist! lololol
I believe I have addressed everyone’s issues here. If I failed to respond to someone please speak up. Otherwise, instead of praising belly-fat, consider eating right and exercising. You will be more healthy and people on the whole will think you look better for it.
This is the kind I like the best.
Unfortunately I cannot get a good shot of her.
I’m fluffy. I want to be with someone who likes fluffiness. I don’t think I’m huge, but I’m not skinny. I’m tall and curvy… I’ll never be thin, it’s just not how my body it. But I’m ok (mostly) with being a girl with hips and a belly. Hopefully the guy I’m with will like it too, or like it enough to not wish I was something I’m not.
I got back to a flat belly after each baby but now i look like I’m 8 mons pregnant. I much prefer the mostly flat. I think simple aging gives lots of us a woman belly and I don’y think any man of our age minds that any more than we mind the saggy scrotum.
I just want to know if all the guys expressing their desire for a women to have a flat stomach, have six-pack abs?
“Unfortunately I cannot do so without the real potential of being recognized.”
You can decapitate your image via photoshop or do you have your RL name tattooed on your gut?
actually a pregnant belly is so beautiful and soooo, full of life.
“I like a little meat on a woman’s belly, and thighs and ass.”
Same here!
I guess my taste in ladies’ physiques is driven by my inner lesbian. ;-)
Yep, balding men with crop circles and saggy scrotums…eh hem…women have preferences too.
Oh, and what about all the older men with unibrows and ear hair and brushy nostrils….( will someone grab the barf bucket! lol )
@faye noooo! I’ve heard plenty about aging, but don’t tell me all this!! Now I’m even more scared to get old!! GREAT.
You can decapitate your image via photoshop or do you have your RL name tattooed on your abs?
Don’t ban me, moderators, please don’t ban me moderators, please please, please don’t ban me! I am sorry, I just could not help myself.
Removed by me. I really don’t want banned.
@jaytkay omg I’ve seen that one before!! But I had no idea it was a belly button! LMAO!
@escapedone7 I don’t think you’d be banned for posting that. Just to be safe though, make sure you attach a “NSFW” before the link next time. :)
I know this is off topic, but these ones I stumbled upon cracked me up. Someone should start a “strange tattoos” thread.
I don’t think my husband will ever think I’m ugly. I just had a baby so I’m rocking that squishy post baby belly. I don’t think he even notices, he just tells me how great I look. Lucky me :)
full and happy
why, just because—
I like bellies – I like when someone feels comfortable enough to finally fucking exhale because you know many of us walk around never able to breathe because we think it’s so ridiculous and ugly that we have rolls when we sit, that we must pull up our pants, that we must scratch at it, wish it away, hide it from our partners. I’ve had two children, I am fit, I am a yogi and a tango dancer yet I have a belly because the skin stretches and there is sagging and it’s not about muscles or amount of fat and if you don’t get that, then you’ve never been with anyone who’s gone through pregnancies and all the better for them.
So we just had a riot about how wonderful curvy ladies are, but there are four likes about sucking it in all day? :P
Fluther, you confuse me!
@meagan I think the likes are in support of the fact that I am showing frustration with having to suck it in, with having been conditioned to hate that part of my body
@meagan Everyone probably gave four great answers because they agreed it was ridiculous to suck it all in. ;)
^what she said. :)
Oh girl, you don’t have to suck anything in! <3
@meagan Of course I don’t have to and I work hard to decondition myself when it comes to crap like this…yet every time my partner wants to put his hand around my tummy, I react, respond by moving it inward even though I know, viscerally, that he loves it.
uh ohse I’m in trouble already!
Yeah, I like a bit of belly. @johnpowell pic is good, except for that thingy in her belly button, yuk. I also hate thingies punched thru nipples or any other body part, especially intimate body parts….but I digress. I don’t really go for a flat flat belly. I like some flesh there. Oh….and even better if there are some stretch marks too.
My partner likes a very trim, toned woman but seems to think it’s cute to rub or tap my period time belly. I’ve got a 4pack but he doesn’t think it’s unfeminine.
My favorite belly has chocolate syrup on it…size does not matter in this situation!! ;)
As long as the girl is under 25 BMI her belly is probably quite nice. The nicest have BMI’s around 23.
@Ltryptophan The problem wiht BMI’s is that they don’t consider muscle & bone mass. Me, & both of my girlfriends’ BMI’s say we’re overweight. We have hourglass figures, relatively little body fat (I hardly have any), & they’re boht muscular & big-boned.
I like my girls to be shapely, but I love just them just a bit wider around the middle :) not even chubby. Just that a flat stomach is unnatural to me. In other words, my girlfriend is perfect in my eyes.
@Exhausted – I think realism is VERY attractive ;) Always have, always will.
@Draconess25 BMI is an infallible system! If you are challenging it, I will need to inspect your belly for evidence to the contrary.
@Ltryptophan Here
It’s a bit grainy. I think I have the camera settings all screwed up.
@Draconess25 what sort of belly inspector would I be if I was satisfied with such a grainy, distorted image! this may not be a belly issue at all, the source of your higher BMI must be further north…this area will also need inspection for an educated diagnosis
@Ltryptophan Exactly. BMI’s don’t consider whether or not the person in question has a 34-C cup size.
Yes, but I would. Vernier calipers ready…
@Ltryptophan I admire your dedication and sense of service and the good of womankind….:)
You know even when I’m at my skinniest I still have a bit of a belly…nothing huge, but its still soft even when the rest of me is muscular.
I’m a group fitness instructor, so I do A LOT of exercise….and many of my instructor friends don’t have wash board abs either.
I think when your body is over worked, or under stress you tend to carry more chub on your middle.
But I just think it is impossible for some body types to have really flat stomachs…personally I would happily transfer some of my tum chub to my butt and thighs.
I would like to have a really flat stomach, so I can understand why guys would like them….They are more aesthetically pleasing after all :).....Just like nice arms are nice to look at on men :)...but some guys are stuck with spaghetti arms.
@j0ey I can so relate. I have been through anorexia and was a stick insect with a belly. I have also been a gym bunny, still had the tummy. When I was 10 I had a tummy. I think genetically some are predisposed to fatty areas no matter what you do. Perhaps that is why some women who work out so hard, and take such good care of themselves do eventually seek out surgery.
Again it also boils down to current societal ideation’s of what is beautiful. Rubenesque women were thought delicious once just as big behinds were once hated by their owners. Now big behinds are thought of as delicious.
An interesting video of course is Eminems “We made for you” which features a woman dancing with “woman belly”. She is very sexy. Good on Eminem. Perhaps check it out on youtube.
Some mentioned BMI, of course my BMI is 23 all round but if you had to put a calliper on my belly no way. Very thin women can have a high BMI due to looseness of skin from lack of exercise (if they do not work out or are not fit).
All bellies are beautiful, unless they are causing the owner distress or health issues like insulin, stress, etc., but one must never lose sight of the woman belly it’s softness and sensuality. Nor the gorgeous flat belly, the hard earned toned six pack belly, each is admired. I hope none are ridiculed. Or mistakenly admired because of current trend only.
@Just_Justine “one must never lose sight of the woman belly it’s softness and sensuality.” One would hope not.
@plethora being accepting of the trophies of motherhood makes you a man after my own heart!
@Just_Justine I’m with you regarding Plethora, SWOONING…...
@Exhausted I know sigh… but I would fight you for him, but I live too far away as usual!! heh heh
Neither of you are in Oklahoma are you? :D
No, but I’m getting the rain that just came thru there!
@Just_Justine @Exhausted I am so honored by both of you….:) One never knows where one’s little preferences come from, I just know I have always found stretch marks outrageously sexy…:) Some may call me kinky, but I think we know better…..maybe..:)
They all feature sexy inviting belly buttons.
@meagan I just Google imaged ‘dimples of venus’, & all I got was page after page of arse!
I just have to say that after three nine pound babies, my tummy looks much better when I have put on a little weight. The extra weight smooths out the stretch marks.
The comment earlier in the thread about women evening out their big butts with big breasts made me laugh. There aren’t many women who only gain weight in their breasts. If you want bigger natural boobs, then you are going to need to gain some weight. Cracked.com said is nicely when they stated, “thank you to plastic surgery for giving skinny chicks big boobs”.
@j0ey…. “but some guys are stuck with spaghetti arms” now all I can picture is Mr Tickle!
I am not sure why everyone is hating on @malevolentbutticklish. The question was what do men think of women’s bellies. He is a man and he thinks women’s bellies should be flat and hard. That is his prerogative. Whether his opinion is realistic or not(expecting a woman to not only have 12 children but expecting washboard abs after is a insanely unrealistic) it is his right to have this opinion.
That being said I am an overweight straight woman so you really aren’t asking my opinion but I like women’s bellies to be slightly muscular. I believe Sarah Jessica Parkers stomach is amazing but her legs are ridiculously too skinny. I do not find Carmen Diaz’s body attractive in the slightest because she is too skinny and has no muscle tone but a lot of men and women alike would disagree. I think a women’s body should be toned and strong like this.
As an overweight woman I can say that although being a size 14/16 may be the new average size of American women it does not make that a healthy size unless you have reached that size by eating healthy, all natural food and your body just naturally gravitated that way because you have a large frame for a woman. But I think if we big girls take an honest look at ourselves we will have to agree we got this way by eating too much unnatural and proportionately oversized food like processed wheat, lunch meat, cheese steaks, Hostess Cakes and the like and did not compensate with enough aerobic exercise to counteract the calories. That being said if you are comfortable with your weight then more power to you, and many men find a bigger girl very very very attractive, @malevolentbutticklish just isn’t one of those men so stop trying to change his mind.
I’ve always been self conscious about my stomach because I have really bad stretch marks. Im not fat, or overweight in the least. I’m 5’4” and about 119 pounds. But I have had 2 pregnancies and they were BIG babies (almost 8 and 9 pounds each). So I have a lot of stretch marks and loose skin around the belly. I go to the gym but since the muscles were stretched out during labor, exercise will do but so much. At 40 I’m just now beginning to get comfortable with sex with the lights on! Are bellies really that important to most men and if they are then I thank my maker that my husband could care less about my stomach. I think a quality man looks for a quality woman and doesn’t care about flat stomachs and six packs and such.
I am a man, and when I am…...in a certain mood….......I think that all a woman’s parts are simply wonderful.
I love a little pudge, it’s completely natural.
First, I think that everyone will imagine something different for each word used, and some people extremely so. I have known quite a few women who would cry “fat” and make horrified faces or get angry (about others but usually even more so at themselves) when I would have thought to say “fit”, “healthy”, “athletic”, “beautiful” or even “skinny”!
Washboard and six-pack frighten me a bit even on men, let alone on women. The woman in deni’s link has a frightening body, to me. Kind of kinky-interesting, but also intimidating and weird to me.
The women in hypocricycentral’s double-post look very good to me… for amazon warriors or professional athletes or just hyper-athletic people, but are not my ideal.
The women’s tummies in johnpowell’s and jtkay’s posts look very beautiful to me.
This woman’s stomach (well, ok, her whole body) looks about as close to matching my ideal as possible. Though I am very attracted to a wide range and variety away from that, as well.
@Zaku Actually I would chosen her if I had seen her. She doesn’t have too much six pack, rips, or flanks showing. Pretty close to what I found IMO. A fine example of a great female belly.
Everyone’s beautiful in their own way. Each body matches every face.
As a girl, I appreciate hip bones and ribs. No extremes, just a hint of those bones under their skin. I also like hip gaps. I’m not a big fan of body fat. Collar bones are pretty too. But that’s just my opinion. I’ve never met another person that found bony women attractive like I do.
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