General Question

meagan's avatar

How to overcome medication provoked nausea?

Asked by meagan (4675points) March 19th, 2010

I’ve started taking Topamax for my migraines early February and I’m finally really starting to get some symptoms.

Does anyone else take medication and from that, have nausea? I’m not sure what quite to do about it. I feel like I should be eating some bread or something. But the thought of food is really making me even more ill.
(I feel silly asking this. But I’ve never felt so horrible.)

All comments and help are appreciated

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7 Answers

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

To be quite honest, there is very little you can do. So long as you aren’t taking it on an empty stomach, there is only the option of waiting (sometimes after several weeks it will go away) and no longer taking it. And medical marijuana, but I don’t think even California currently lists Topomax as an approved drug for pot needs…

meagan's avatar

@papayalily I don’t believe in smoking marijuana recreationally or medicinally. I’ve taken this medication almost twelve hours ago and I’m just now starting to get sick. Funny how these things work, hmm?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@meagan not really, the half-life is about 20 hours…

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@meagan The half-life for Topomax is 19–23 hours, so it would make sense that it took it about 12 hours to get into your bloodstream enough to make you sick.

trailsillustrated's avatar

call them and get them to rx an anti emetic if you don’t want to smoke weed

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Your doctor is in the best position to prescribe the right medicine that will not conflict with any medications you are currently taking.

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