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AnonymousWoman's avatar

How can I make it easier for someone who cheated on me to talk to me?

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6538points) March 19th, 2010

I know this question might sound really weird, but I still have a lot of respect for the guy who cheated on me. We are no longer together and haven’t been for more than half a year now. I’m over it. It doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. It’s like he still hasn’t forgiven himself for it, though. What can I do to make it better for him? Is it fair that he still seems to wallow in his guilt, while I’ve moved on from it?

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14 Answers

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

For starters, Did you tell him you forgive him?

meagan's avatar

Have you told him that you’ve forgiven him? Maybe its just time to move on. I’m a friendly person and still talk to most on my ex’s, but it usually turns out to be a bad idea.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

Yes, he knows I’ve forgiven him already.

meagan's avatar

@AnonymousGirl I’d just say move on. That’s what I’d do. Time heals some wounds, but not all. Its hard for some people to come to terms with the fact that they really screwed the pooch.

tinyfaery's avatar

So, he cheated on you, knows that you forgive him, makes no effort to be your friend and you want to make things easier on him? This makes no sense. Seems to me he’s already moved on. Now it’s your turn.

windex's avatar

”...but I still have a lot of respect for the guy who cheated on me.” NO….NO!

njnyjobs's avatar

I say get your head checked, there might be something loose up there… he cheated on you, there’s nothing binding you togther like a child or a dog, you forget about him and spend your time and energy on other worthy causes.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

He’s gotta deal with that on his own. Year and a half? Sorry but dude needs to put on the big boy pants.
You ought to think about moving on too.

hug_of_war's avatar

This isn’t your problem. When we mess up we feel guilty for it. He doesn’t get to stop feeling crappy for doing something crappy just because you’ve moved on. All actions have consequences, whether good or bad, and he has to live with them. It isn’t your job to make him feel better.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

He stopped being interested in you before he cheated on you.

Rangie's avatar

As I have said several times today. YOU DO IT, YOU OWN IT. Why would you want to make it easier for someone forgive themselves for something that should be weighing on his conscience? This is the time when some people have to figure out why they did what they did and grow up and take care of it themselves. Don’t enable people and make it easier on them to find ways to excuse themselves for what they did wrong. He needs to sort it out, not you. This is not about you, it is about his morals and ethics. I don’t mean to sound righteous, but all too often people enable others to pass over there mistakes and then they are always looking around to find an easy way out. Nobody wins, in fact it is harmful to that person.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Hugs and lurve for the answer from @hug_of_war!

AnonymousWoman's avatar

Interesting. Thanks, all of you. I’m actually glad I asked, regardless of how stupid this question makes me sound, because if I didn’t, I’d still have the hope and just keep it to myself.

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