Is it really true that everybody finds Love when least expect it or do you Need to look hard for your mate?
People , especially outgoing people, who find meet their soulmate just by doing daily things such as shopping, going to the bookstore, etc, say that this is true, that we shouldn’t worry.. Someone will appear when you least expect it.
But that’s not really happening to the loners, nerds like me, or even some outgoing people. So, how true is this? Is it just something people throw around just to try to make us feel better.. or is it really true?
or do you have to actually go out with a purpose any time you go out. Do you have to like.. see a girl, target her and try to actively ask her out.
I’m male , early 30’s(single, never had a gf)
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12 Answers
There are people who experienced both sides of this track. My experience has been that I never found a damn soul when I was looking, though I have no idea why. Maybe there was a little desperation in my aura that I was not aware of. I honestly don’t know. But it never worked when I actively looked. Every relationship I ever had was one that sneaked up on me.
I think you shouldn’t make finding love the focus of your life but you should be willing to take risks when the chance for love comes along.
Its definitely true. I’ve heard many stories and have had it happen myself. A few weeks after I decided I was going to give up on finding someone and just focus on myself…someone found me. Its important to put yourself first and the right person will come along and admire you for who you are. When someone feels desperate usually it can be noticed and is often a turn off.
May I recommend this website for you? :
It’s a website started by a guy who had issues with social awkwardness and being a loner basically, who then worked on his life as a whole to therefore improve his social life and therefore his love life.
I think it does truly happen when you’re not looking, because usually if you try to look, you’re looking in the wrong places.
I really don’t know. I haven’t looked in years, I am always out and about (day time) friendly open, but I still have not had love find me.
A wise women told me once. “That if you do not actively look, you haven’t actively decided who you want in your life (type). If people find you, then you are always the chosen not the chooser. Sort of if I want a rich older man I should play golf at the country club. I do believe there is sense in this.
I think it is true that you will find your soulmate when you least expect it. Stop trying so hard. It will happen one day. Just be yourself and let your personality shine through.
I think you can find someone when you least expect it, but I think you have to up the odds. That is you have to join groups where you have common interests in which women belong. Say, a hiking club.
I don’t think you are likely to meet someone if your life is highly proscribed, and you are mostly at home.
I don’t know about “everybody”. I can’t imagine one standard or statement that you can apply to everybody except that everybody will die at some point.
As for wookin’ pa nub, your motivation, the way you go about it, what your definition is, what you’re willing to accept, hell, there are a lot of factors in play there. I don’t think that this question has a definitive answer. Nothing will apply to everybody.
Neither one is “the truth” and either or both can work. That is, not everybody finds love when they least expect it, and you don’t need to look and pursue. But both approaches can work or fail, depending largely on your mindset and what and how you go about it or don’t go about it.
Looking for love can get in the way of finding it. One example is creating an aura of desperation. Another is thinking inside a box of concerns and reasons why you might not succeed, and the fundamental human fear of being unlovable.
On the other hand, one can also not look too much, and be closed off to the possibility, so when people look your way, you don’t even notice, or you appear closed. And, going around asking if people are interested in getting to know you work out very well, eventually or sometimes immediately.
You find love when you make the effort to find it.
Even if it just happens. You had to or have to make an effort.
Sometimes we try too hard.
The thing is, I think, that when you are looking for it, you have certain things in mind that you’re looking for. Obviously. When you’re not looking for it, you might find it with someone you wouldn’t have thought you’d end up with before. So I personally think it’s best to not be out scrounging the streets every day eyeing up everyone you pass and assessing whether or not you could spend the rest of your life with them. It’ll happen. Unless you are a hermit. Then it will not.
I was not looking for a relationship at all when I found my love. I as actually just out of a terrible relationship and looking to be free and stay single and he just took my heart. :-) and I couldn’t help it
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