Let me try out this idea for size. Why are there so many losers? Because the the strong belief in the myth of romance and love.
The myth is that you can find your perfect mate, and that you marry the one and only person you are meant to marry. If you believe that myth, then a huge sense of cognitive dissonance will come over you when you find out that things are not going well in the relationship. This should not be happening! Where did I go wrong? Is it my fault?
Then, because of both sexism and the male fear of trying to comprehend themselves, it is mostly the women who try to do the work of the relationship. Of course, it can’t work if only one person is working on it.
The romantic myth suggests that everything will be perfect—you will live happily ever after. When it doesn’t work that way, you go into denial—both parties, I think.
What I think we need is a different model for marriage relationships. We need to expect there will be problems and we both will have to work on them. We need for men to understand this, because they are often the ones who refuse to go to counseling or blame their wives.
However, there is another myth that I do not think is helpful, and that is the myth that a cheater must be dumped over the side of the barge, preferably with cement boots. No one is totally good, and no one is totally bad. Men don’t cheat for no reason. It isn’t just a selfish thing, like women like to make out. Men cheat because of problems in the relationship.
If couples have the attitude they will have to work on things, then they will work on themselves. Many women who stay with cheaters understand that their man is not a bad guy. There are issues in the relationship, and he dealt with them that way, which was not a good way to deal with it, but that doesn’t mean he should be thrown away.
And yet, the rest of society thinks those women are losers. They can’t believe they have any self-respect, because any self-respecting woman would shove him out the door at the end of a shotgun.
Well? What does society know? Society is the group where if people get on an elevator and everyone else standing there is facing the back of the elevator, then that’s what the new arrival does, too.
Women stay with men for so many reasons. They don’t want to lose their “sunk costs.” They don’t know when to cut their losses. They believe things can be worked out. They have low self-esteem. We can cite reasons until we are blue in the face.
It’s not really helpful, though. I think we need to take away the shame of having bad relationships. We need to be able to admit we have problems and work on them without feeling like everyone is going to condemn us. We need to destigmatize therapy and marital problems, especially for men.
So that’s my idea to throw into the mix.