General Question

nikipedia's avatar

Why does nausea come in waves?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) March 20th, 2010

Rather than increasing or decreasing linearly.

Obviously I am hungover.

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15 Answers

CyanoticWasp's avatar

It’s like seasickness, which comes on waves. So, actually, nausea is like light, in that it has both a wave and particle form.

Let’s not discuss those particles just now, though.

susanc's avatar

I had a 12-hour-long food poisoning episode recently, which
yielded up the following insight:
if you urped the whole contents of your depraved belly all at once, you would rip it apart.

squirbel's avatar

You might be pregnant. >.> /me waves at niki!

nikipedia's avatar

If I’m pregnant, this fetus is fucked.

jrpowell's avatar

Don’t overthink your hangover. It will only make it worse. Embrace the spins and illness. Dig your nails into the rails and ride the ride you magnificent bastard. boiling mayonnaise

slick44's avatar

Drink water when you drink, it will help you to not feel so hungover the next day. trust me i like to drink on fridays, lol also green tea with honey helps. somthing about the antioxidents and the natural sugar.

nikipedia's avatar

@johnpowell: Riding. Can you bring me a taco?

mea05key's avatar

I think there’s a limit how much you can throw out everytime, I bet its going to hurt a lot to take it all out at one time. Unintentionally, we tend to limit the content every time we throw out.

susanc's avatar

deleted by me because not polite

thriftymaid's avatar

I don’t know why, but for me, it’s the worst kind of sick.

neverawake's avatar

Ocean waves, sound waves…or..what?

augustlan's avatar

I don’t know, but I sure wish I could just push a button or something and get it all over with at once. Hope you’re feeling better by now!

mattbrowne's avatar

Because of natural delays in our bodies feedback control systems.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I hope your hangover’s over by now ;), but most of the body works via pumps and valves. That’d be my guess.

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