Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

What kind of Political/Economic system do you have if you don't have private or public ownership of wealth?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 21st, 2010

Where higher priorities take precedence? Is it an “ISM” ? has someone tried this before?…what would it be like?

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61 Answers

Pazza's avatar


Edit: Hang on, do you mean government has no ownership also?

talljasperman's avatar

@Pazza GA by the way! yes if goverment, buisness, and people do not own anything either

talljasperman's avatar

@bob_ nope… I’m talking about where no one has wealth or power… or authority

Pazza's avatar

Possibly a tribe, if you look at any old school tribe, you see how the people cooperate not for profit, but for prosperity. The tribe as a whole contributes for the good of the tribe. I think if and when this current fiat system collapses the people who still have a collective mentality instead of a separatist one (as is the case with most people today) will be the ones to come through an economic collapse.

talljasperman's avatar

@Pazza can I start (or join) a tribe in Canada?

Pazza's avatar

You should check out the, you may find some better answers there.

Should be right up your street that :-)

talljasperman's avatar

@Pazza I just did I don’t know where to start?

bob_'s avatar

@talljasperman Somebody always has authority.

talljasperman's avatar

@bob_ what do animals do?... the ones that don’t travel in packs. Isn’t nature is their authority?

bob_'s avatar

@talljasperman That’s a line from Animal Farm.

cazzie's avatar

I was thinking of the early Native American, almost immediately, but they did fight over hunting grounds and see them as ‘tribal rights’..... but no one owned land….. or the animals…

‘Four legs good. ‘Two legs bad.’ hmmm… But in the end… he went on two legs and dressed in a hat and waistcoat.

talljasperman's avatar

@bob_ I saw the cartoon… the pigs had the authority…isn’t having no authrioty being an Anarchrist

talljasperman's avatar

@cazzie so is Nature worship is what I am looking for? Were the Native American Indians happy before the Europeans came? If so could we go back to that system?

cazzie's avatar

Well, I don’t think it matters what spiritualism they had, does it? Or DOES it! The fact that they believed no one could own land or animals or water and that these things all had independent spirits and they gave thanks to the spirit of the animals they took to survive, hmmm… Is ‘Nature worship’ a valid political/economic system? yeah… I think so.

bob_'s avatar

@talljasperman Yes, anarchism seeks to dimminish or even abolish authority. I’m not sure I’d say it also says much about “higher priorities”, ‘cause then who’d set these?

cazzie's avatar

Look up Pantheism.

talljasperman's avatar

@cazzie I looked at the wikipedia answer It sounds right to me. I need to read more on the subject.

bob_'s avatar

@talljasperman So basically everyone has to agree on what the priorities are for anarchism to work? That sounds feasible.

thriftymaid's avatar

If there is wealth someone has to own it.

bob_'s avatar

Dibs on the wealth.

talljasperman's avatar

@thriftymaid The air is wealth and no one owns it… I guess I could change the description to everything???

talljasperman's avatar

@bob_ dib’s on authority

bob_'s avatar

@talljasperman So we’re basically in Russia, huh?

cazzie's avatar

No, Bob, he’s talking about NOONE owning anything. And Russia isnt’ communist any more…. We’re talking about pure philosophies here..Communism is where things are own ‘communally’ or that everyone owns everything together…..

bob_'s avatar

@cazzie Um, no, I meant on the scenario where I call dibs on the wealth and he calls dibs on authority.

talljasperman's avatar

@bob_ dibs on scenario’s

cazzie's avatar

Oh… gosh.. I completely missed the joke! How typical of me….

bob_'s avatar

@talljasperman Dibs on all the hot chicks.

Pazza's avatar

American tribes only fought over land because of food supplies. With the technology man has today like hydroponics, if it wasn’t that the majority of society was so separatist, and we didn’t have so many sociopaths in government, we’d probably have a totally free society.

If you delve deep into the world freeman society, you’l find a community in Canada that is doing just that right now. I can’t remember what area/province it was, but they are beginning to abandon the government, use de-jure courts and have their own peace office force, and their own militia, all totally lawful under common law.

Strike that, just found the video. Check it out.

Make sure you watch all parts.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Only a small tribe with no possessions of value can do it. As the group grows one person eventually tries to take something that another person has been using, be it tools, food, mates. Unless some rules are made, fighting begins. Look at the animal kingdom and you can see how animals fight over food and mates. Plants fight over water and light by strangling other plants, or blocking light or excreting juglone into the soil to kill its neighbors. Effectively the plant is claiming that piece of land as its own. Even bacteria claim ownership of their little piece of the host.
The system can work if you are living by yourself with no possessions and have a sufficient supply of food and shelter. The day your third basic need, mating, takes over the experiment ends.

Words that come to mind are: squatters, hermits, gypsies, and nomads.

talljasperman's avatar

@worriedguy so children and seniors can live this way

cazzie's avatar

@worriedguy… they couldn’t take someone else’s possessions because it wouldn’t be theirs to begin with. And there would be ‘rules’ but no one would own anything. And the ‘mating’ thing and how you refer to it worries me. ‘Mates’ aren’t possessions. Ever. and we’re assuming abundance too. There is enough food and shelter and people actually help each other.

talljasperman's avatar

@Pazza the video makes me want to get pich-forks and torches…I want to start my own government, university, city, groups.with or without permission

LuckyGuy's avatar

@cazzie I’m not saying mates are possessions. I am saying mating choices are made because one potential mate has a trait another lacks: bigger feathers, longer antlers, more shark teeth, rounder body parts, or faster internet connection. The ones lacking the desirable traits will want to get them so their third basic need is met.

@talljasperman I’m not so sure. Every 2 years old I have ever known has learned to say “Mine”.

talljasperman's avatar

@worriedguy so scrach the kids… How about the seniors?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@talljasperman Have you ever listened to seniors sitting in a condo club house in Florida? They all want the chair that is out of the sun but still close to the pool. They never walk into a restaurant and sit where the greeter puts them. That seat is too close to the air conditioner and I’ll get a draft; that seat is too close to the bathroom; that one is next to the kitchen and is too noisy. They don’t own the seats but they sure act like they do. It is funny to watch.

@cazzie And what happens when one member of the group decides to slack off and not refill the well or plant crops. Are there repercussions?

talljasperman's avatar

@worriedguy my grandpa was a fair person… maybe some people can and some can’t

cazzie's avatar

@worriedguy We aren’t talking about no rules. We were just discussing about not owning anything. Someone brought up anarchy, but we’re not talking about anarchy. We’re talking about a culture based on nothing or very little being owned personally or collectively.

talljasperman's avatar

@cazzie sorry I went off topic for a bit

LuckyGuy's avatar

@talljasperman I agree with you. But all it takes is one unfair person and the system breaks down.

@cazzie Would that be a hand-to-mouth economy? With all the food, housing, and sex we want whenever we want? Since we are all different someone will always want more than the next person. That starts the problem.

talljasperman's avatar

@worriedguy maybe I need to socially isolate myself more… the mountains still have people in them…what would you do?

cazzie's avatar

@worriedguy we’re talking very hypothetical here… science fiction. We’re talking about a political system that evolves as a result of a spiritual system that is very different from what exists today, like the early native Americans. It was tribal and hand to mouth, but there was still a sense of justice and right and wrong and certainly not void of human foibles. Of course there would be problems. Oh, and do you say hand to mouth like it’s something bad?

mammal's avatar

an ideal one, but one that the will evoke hostility from every country that holds private ownership as a cardinal right.

talljasperman's avatar

@mammal time for a global civil war?

cazzie's avatar

Funny… I was thinking of Avatar…the movie.

Pazza's avatar


Robert Menard – Founder of

Video is called the magnificent deception.
It highlights the ‘system’ and how it works, and your remedy within common law to reject it.

talljasperman's avatar

@Pazza I watched the first 5 minutes… he sounded like a nut and I stopped listening…did you listen to the whole thing?

cazzie's avatar

@talljasperman Agree with you there….. nut city. And off topic, I think.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@cazzie I was trying to think of a name for that type of society. “Hand to mouth” is what came to mind. I would not want to live that way. You would be totally dependent upon something which is out of your control. One season of dry weather and your society dries up. You have no backup.
Clearly the system has not been successful for very long on our plant. Can you think of any society that works this way? Heck, we couldn’t even think of a name for it.

cazzie's avatar

@worriedguy Living in a hand to mouth type of cooperating society not successful? You should study more history and anthropology. It’s very very very successful. It’s where we all came from. One season of dry weather and they moved on. No buildings to own that had to be left, you see….

laureth's avatar

@cazzie is right. For like 99% of human existence on the planet, we lived as hunter-gatherers. Hundreds of thousands of years.

That said, do we really have control over everything now? Not as much as we like to think! There are people one paycheck from homelessness, there are events like Katrina which destroy homes and lives, there are random employment and economic fluctuations as bubbles burst and industries come and go. Control is an illusion.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@cazzie Oh I know we lived that way for 100,000s of years. But over those same years we evolved into what we have today. If that way of living was successful we’d still be doing it. By the way check out the first 30 seconds of this trailer for the movie Babies .

cazzie's avatar

@worriedguy People are still successfully living like that. Did you not see that in the film preview? You think we should all have cell phones, bank accounts and tv’s? You think the baby growing up in the USA is more ‘evolved’ than the baby growing up in Nambia?
btw Thanks for that link…. I had tears. It was beautiful.

Keysha's avatar

@worriedguy you said, and I quote Words that come to mind are: squatters, hermits, gypsies, and nomads.

You need to check yourself, your ignorance is showing. As the wife of a for-real, bonafide, Romani (Gypsy, to you) I take umbrage at your preconceived notions. The Romani are a strongly clan- and family-oriented people. Even though the nomadic lifestyle is passing in many parts of the world, many of those that are left, I am sure have their strong ties, as well.

You need to check your facts, I believe, and your prejudices. Arisztid is a member here as well. While he is big enough, honorable enough, and good enough, to ignore your rudeness, I am not.

You may hate whomever you like, but please do not share your prejudices with me, especially when they refer to my husband or myself. I am German, mostly.

cazzie's avatar

@Keysha… worriedguy needs to think a bit more about the world. His bigotry is showing. There is an interesting culture of squatters in Europe. Underutilised buildings that start getting used for community things and fringe projects. The buildings are abandoned for whatever reason and property right transfers over to the city in most cases because of unpaid taxes etc… and swatters take them over. Some become quite productive artist residences. In Amsterdam, squatters have used their power to save historic buildings from negligent owners.

and he still hasn’t answered my question…..

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