Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Why is it humanly impossible to eat just one doughnut?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) March 21st, 2010

For years, i have been a consumer of many, many doughnuts. cake, jelly-filled or just plain. it makes no difference. the problem is the number. I can never consume just one doughnut. am i alone in my “doughnut caper”? it must be the devil saying to me, “john, just one more doughnut wil not make a difference, go for it”. i know its not greed, since my wife hates doughnuts, there is no competition here. so, what is it that makes my hand reach for a second and a third and a fourth doughnut?

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23 Answers

CMaz's avatar

Why is it humanly impossible? It’s not.

Do you want to? No

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Maybe it’s a cop thing.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Meh, I’m fine with just one, or even zero.

CMaz's avatar

Yea, doughnuts are over rated.

Coloma's avatar

It is possible if there is only one available. lol

Donuts, not my thing…now cheesecake that’s entirely different!

mrentropy's avatar

I had one doughnut the other day. It was a Krispy Kreme and I don’t like them.

cazzie's avatar

I like the idea that it would be humanly impossible. This would mean I can add another thing to my list of superpowers.

knitfroggy's avatar

I can eat just one. I like doughnuts ok, but I could really live with out with out them.

john65pennington's avatar

mrentropy, what did you not like about a krispy kreme doughnut?

CMaz's avatar

I would like to sleep in a bed of donuts.

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@john65pennington: If you wish to only eat one you may do so by willpower alone… but you also may be able to augment that willpower.
a) Ask the people you are with to only let you eat one.
b) Purchase only one at a time, take it with you, and eat it only once you are out of the shop.
c) Find something else to eat in place of the second donut. Maybe some sort of energy-bar, etc.
d) Can you eat zero? If you eat two, have none the next time. This averages to just one.

Good luck!

mrentropy's avatar

@john65pennington I think KK doughnuts are too greasy. Or taste greasy. I find them unpleasant to eat, like a “store made” doughnut.

john65pennington's avatar

mrentropy, what about indigestion? the plain KK doughnuts always gave me indigestion.

mrentropy's avatar

@john65pennington No, I don’t get indigestion but after eating one I feel kind of queasy. I’m more of a Dunkin’ Donut man.

Parrappa's avatar

I usually eat only one, I’m not a huge fan of donuts. Sandwiches on the hand…

LuckyGuy's avatar

@john65pennington You are right. It is impossible. All those wimps above who say they can do it are forgetting they had one the previous day, week or month.
I think it has something to do with endorphins, serotonin and pheromones. More study is needed.

Trillian's avatar

@john65pennington It is humanly possible to eat just one. It is not policemanly possible though. Bwaahahahaha! I crack myself up.

shego's avatar

It’s not impossible. That’s why Krispy Kreme ( I think its spelled right) no longer exists out here. Go find a place that serves nasty doughnuts.

DominicX's avatar

For me, it is. I’m not a big fan of doughnuts. They’re too rich and the idea of how bad they are kind of turns me off of them. One is enough for a long time for me, in general.

I can’t remember the last time I had a doughnut…maybe I should…

mattbrowne's avatar

Dopamine surge in the brain’s reward center.

Jeruba's avatar

You’re a cop, John. It’s in your DNA. I can eat just one, at intervals of many months, and sometimes only half of one, especially if it’s got some kind of sweet stuff all over it. But don’t let me near a bag of Hershey kisses…

thriftymaid's avatar

Just buy one, you’ll just eat one.

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