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lolmassmedia's avatar

HTML help with my Tumblr theme (Image Header)

Asked by lolmassmedia (4points) March 21st, 2010

Below I put the HTML for my tumblr page. I was wanting to put an image header above everything that would appear on every page a the top and link back to the main page when clicked on. I was wondering what code I needed to put and where. Something where I could just insert a .jpg URL and have it be the header image of my site.

Besides the header, I was wanting to center the blocks of text and everything instead of having it all on the left. (as you can see in the link below of the theme)

I use the “Linear” theme which can be viewed here (click on preview)

Here is the actual html I use:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ”-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”

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bottom: 30px;
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margin: 0 0 30px 0;
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4 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I think you misplaced a ”}” in that script…

jrpowell's avatar

Easiest way on this theme is is to stick the image in the the div called border. And then set the height of the image in the css/

.border {
height: 8px; <——Chang this to the height of your image.
background: #444;

Check the source here.

lolmassmedia's avatar

Thanks johnpowell.

If I didn’t want it to take up the entire width of the page, should I just put in some width parameters?

If you get time, could you see if you could help me center all the posts and everything, instead of having everything on the left?
If not that’s fine, you helped me a lot.
Much obliged.

jrpowell's avatar

Check your private comments. I answered it there. And the link above should now reflect the additional changes.

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