@john65pennington Gibson’s bass guitars are limited to the SG, the Explorer (extremely hard to find) and the Thunderbird, none of which are very good for metal. Gibson makes great guitars, and all of those basses are extremely high quality, in my opinion, but the range available is very limited, especially to a beginner. In my opinion, Fender makes much better basses, for a lower price.
I’d actually recommend a Squier bass (made in the same factory as Fender basses, same design). It’s in the price range you’re looking for, and are a bit more versatile for a wide range of music. This or this would be ones to look at, I think. It’s a trusted brand (not that Ibanez isn’t, and they should serve you a bit longer than an Ibanez of the same price range.)
If you are looking for an Ibanez, though, I’d be a little wary of some of there entry level ones (less than 200$) because I’ve had a friend who had some major trouble with the pickup wiring in his 150$ Ibanez. @El_Perseguidor‘s suggestion looks like a pretty nice guitar, though. Should last a good while.
@TheBot Is completely right, though. When buying instruments (less so online than in person), you really get what you pay for. I’d consider saving a little bit and seeing if you can go for a higher end bass, something like this or this. It will last you much longer, be a better instrument in tone and feel, and if you have a nice instrument you really will want to play and practice more, helping you get better fast. I personally started playing drums on a middle of the line Ludwig set after looking around at many others, and I can personally tell you that the nicer the instrument is, the more you will want to play it. It’s no fun to play a crappy, used, bass into the ground when you could be playing a much nicer instrument for just a little bit more.
Sorry, that was pretty longwinded.