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Have you ever claimed to have seen a ghost?
I’m just interested to hear other peoples experiences or even if you believe in ghosts.
I believe I’ve had several unexplainable encounters…more when I was young. I’ve had feelings where I’ve been in houses and felt it gave me the ‘creeps’ and then later found out that somebody actually died there.
When I was about 9 years old I used to see a black figure and I had a friend sleep over once and she also saw it.
I once woke up very briefly in the night in my twenties and saw somebody stood next to me…I felt it was a female…and all I recall is that I shouted my ex-husbands name, as he was in bed with me and then I flew under the covers. I don’t recall staying awake so must have gone back to sleep which surprises me. The day after somebody at work caused a lot of trouble…and I’m not sure if I believe that it was somebody letting me know they were there for me.
I’ve read previously that some people are susceptible to these experiences but it seems to occur every 7 years or so?
Anyway would be good to hear other peoples stories :-)
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