General Question

MrsDufresne's avatar

How do I create a video that combines a song with scenes from a movie?

Asked by MrsDufresne (3554points) March 21st, 2010

Which software is best for this, and is it possible to do this legally?

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10 Answers

anartist's avatar

What software are you using?

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I did this once using a combination of programs, but mostly Nero Vision. Nero has a great tool to edit clips out of movies and export them (I first used a program called Super to encode into .avi, which can also remove the original sound). I did up a copy of the song I wanted to use with Audacity, and then used Nero Vision again to combine the audio and video clips.

It is probably possible to this all in one program, but that is the way I did it and it worked quite well.

XOIIO's avatar

Use windows movie maker. Super easy.

anartist's avatar

I guess Adobe Flash or Premiere are not your thing. I don’t know anything about windows moviemaker, but open source Audacity is pretty cool and free.

try open source Avidemux for video

XOIIO's avatar

With Windows Moviie Maker you can place the video and the audio as sections so you can see them, and choose if the video sound playsmore or the music. Really good program.

MrsDufresne's avatar

Here’s what I want to do. I want to take certain scenes from an actual movie (not a home movie) and make a montage with a song over it. I’ve seen many examples of this type of montage on YouTube. I’m probably going to have to purchase the DVD of the movie first so that I can upload the certain scenes that I want to my computer and combine it with the music. I have Audacity, but I am not familiar with everything it can do. I also have windows movie maker, and have made montages with home movies, but am not sure how to do this with an actual DVD movie.
@anartist & @FireMadeFlesh Thanks for those links. I’m going to check them out right now.

If I purchase the movie from Itunes or amazon (uploaded digitally on my PC) would I be able to take it to Windows Movie maker and get the scenes I need for my montage?

anartist's avatar

get the dvd from netflix if you have netflix or from the library. Save a few bucks

MrsDufresne's avatar

@anartist That’s a good idea. I’ll check the library, they might have it. Thanks.

anartist's avatar

@MrsDufresne good luck in your endeavors.

Maybe check out Flickr. There will be groups of people there working on doing the same sort of thing you want to do and you can learn from each other.

XOIIO's avatar

@MrsDufresne Yeah, you can do exactly that with WMM

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