What was the last epiphany you had?
Perhaps it was about the nature of the world or of the human heart. Perhaps some philosophical quandary…. we’ve all had them at one time or another, what was yours?
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49 Answers
I know this is not the answer you are looking for, so I am typing slowly in the hope I am not the first answer. But I woke up thinking “Oh my God!” I am old. I realize I have only a few years to retirement. Does that make an epiphany? can it be a bad one? well maybe it’s a good one as I still have time to make up for the lost years?
You see, I a look so hot and young I forget I am old ha ha ha ha!!.
That If I am labeled as disabled then that means I don’t have to work
@Just_Justine That works for me as an answer, it was a sudden realisation after all :)
Well…The last epiphany was the realization that I should be treating myself as well as I try to treat other people…NO MORE SELF SABOTAGE. this came shortly after the epiphany that I’m a bitch to myself
The last 8 years, I have been very mean to myself.
It’s hard to like someone when they hurt you…and thats probably why I often found it hard to like myself.
Everyone should treat themselves how they would treat a best friend or a sibling…After all, your relationship with yourself is probably THE most intimate relationship you have.
This realization has changed my life.
@j0ey Wow, thats a good one…. & one that would benefit me & I’m sure amny other people too. What is it thats so appealing about self-sabotage eh?!
@JeffVader I think self-sabotage is a bit of a safety blanket for many people… people are so scared of reaching their potential…or legitimately trying to reach it and failing.
Just an example….Going out and getting hammered the night before an exam is self-sabotage. That way if you don’t get a good mark you can blame it on that…not on your lack of ability.
I’m not quite sure where to draw the line of what is and isn’t an epiphany. I have several sudden realisations every day, the most recent of which is a new direction of thinking for me in understanding consciousness, which is a topic I have been struggling with for a few weeks now.
Throughout my life though, I have had five major epiphanies. The most recent of those was when I realised that I was in love with my girlfriend, and that until that point I hadn’t the faintest idea what ‘love’ actually meant.
@j0ey Thanks! We celebrate 18 months tomorrow.
Life it too short. I was out running last November and my body reminded me I am not as young as I think I am. Really rattled my cage sort of speak. I was goofy before that moment now I am serious about it!! lol! ;)
@j0ey That makes alot of sense. Cant remember the last time I allowed myself to do something that people have said I’m good at… well, nothing that wasn’t naughty anyway :)
@FireMadeFlesh Knocks you on your arse doesn’t it!
@JeffVader Certainly does!
@j0ey Very insightful. Do you think treating other people well helps you treat yourself better? Once I started to pay more attention to my friends I felt better about myself, so I wonder if that works for you too.
About 12 years ago on vacation, I woke up in the middle of the night with the realization that I had to leave a toxic job in a family business. I gave in my notice and found a much better job for myself back in my old professsion.
that I have been viewing my inner child as completely separate from myself and that actually… all that horrible stuff happened to me
like…Oh my god!! :-/
That I should spend more time caring for people who deserve all of my love instead of being upset with people who don’t (=
How come a funny little fucker like me ended up with such a fantastic wife & two wonderful gorgeous kids.I mean lucky bastard or what!!
That some people I thought were my closest friends for many many years couldn’t care less about me, just what they could get from me. I think in truth I had known already but hadn’t wanted to see it. Odd thing is that I haven’t been able to get angry at them for being users, but hate myself for allowing it. Thing is that none of my other friends have ever treated me the way these three did. What I thought was normal, isn’t. I hope that I am a generous person, I was raised to think that if you didn’t share something, you didn’t deserve to have it, and I still believe that. I have learned that in life you will meet folk who are just put on this earth to leech off others. I know that sounds harsh, but one of these friends I gave horrendous amounts of things to, and never minded because her life is quite a harsh one because of her partner, but at one point I just gave up buying anything for myself, clothes, even daft little trinkets for my home, because I literally wasn’t allowed to keep anything. She would just nag the face off me about how much she wanted whatever it was until I got tired enough of it and handed it over. If I didn’t hand whatever it was over to her (and sometimes even when I’d given her a shedload of stuff already) she’d just steal from me. I don’t cope very well anymore and I realised that if I didn’t break away from the toxic relationships in my life I would not live much longer. I promise Im not being dramatic. I had gotten to the point where I just wished so badly that i was dead just to make the pain, both physical and emotional, go away. Now I live one day at a time, fighting the battles I can win. It really isn’t much of a life, but its so much better than I used to have.
that there is definately more to life than work…. like standing on top of a mountain in the freezing cold, hubby and dog by my side and thinking I just climbed that beast!! mountain that is not the hubby!!
@bunnygrl Well done you! I think you should be dead-chuffed that you managed to get away from that toxic little mix of people. Changing who you associate with, especially if they’ve become as embeded as it sounds these 3 were, is no easy feat.
@bunnygrl I may not know you , but I know that you deserve all the happiness and love in the world (=
the new one is that Dr.‘s are full of B.S. and I need to work anyway even If they say I don’t
maturity sucks the joy out of life.
I suppose the latest one has been in regards to the fact that becoming vegan isn’t enough – what the meat industry is doing is appalling and unacceptable – it’s not only a personal decision but something others should be made aware of, because it’s not about me or my husband not eating meat, it’s about all of us being in this together, implicit in so much suffering and fooled into paying for bad food that threatens our health and whose production threatens our environment.
I realised this weekend, that my dad has really chosen his girlfriend over me and that our realtionship is completely over. I also realised that my boyfriend is happy with us and does want us as much as I do, and that I need to get rid of these demons in my head. How long that will last for though, I don’t know!
@JeffVader @lynneblundell @higherground thank you all so much for being so kind, it means more to me than I can tell you, love and hugs xx
@talljasperman labels are horrible :-( apparently I am “disabled” too, (I have rhuematoid arthritis as well as lungs which are useless) and like you I hate that folk are too free with sticking labels onto people. Because of my breakdown a few years ago, I have to tick a box if I apply for a job that says I have a mental illness (depression). I was lucky enough to be interviewed for my present job by a lovely woman who ended up being my manager. She was able to look past that tick on the form, and the fact that I need a cane to walk, and hired me anyway, and I’m so grateful for that. Maybe you need to change your doctor? I’ve been able to cope so much better since I got a really wonderful GP who is always willing to listen and not just give me prescriptions. Sending you all my best sweetheart, it’ll get better xx
@Dibley I’m so sorry honey. I know how much family can hurt you, even when they aren’t trying to <hugs> at least you’re lucky enough to have your boyfriend, and he sounds like a keeper to me. Keep smiling honey, you’re such a lovely person. <hugs> xx
@bunnygrl Thank you. He is a keeper. Thanks for the hug.
@Dibley You dont know how happy I am to hear you say that about your boyfriend :)
Very sad with regards your father, but I genuinely believe that you will be healthier without him in your life.
@JeffVader Thanks. But, you know me, I’ll soon think differently, and it isn’t what you think either. He just clarified that he wants me and isn’t looking for anyone else, then he shown it!
@Dibley treasure the diamonds throw out the dust.
@Dibley True… you are impossible :) Still, a least he showed it!
@ChazMaz it’s okay, you can tell everyone you love me
I had that epiphany the first time I “met” you. ;-)
that the will that I make won’t be set in stone…I can actually change my mind… whilst heart still beating of course!
My most recent epihany was about a longtime aquaintance.
All of a sudden a series of events arose and I realized that for sure, what I have suspected for a long time is really true.
She seems to only be interested in things that go WRONG for me, but never acknowledges any of my happiness, strengths or shows enthusiasm for my successful endeavors.
I get the distinct feeling that she would take perverse pleasure if something went really wrong for me, A large part of me would like to phase her out but we have business connections so I have to remain involved but detatched of her pettiness and jealousies.
I am not sharing much of anything of an intimate nature with her anymore, keep it neutral and go to those friends that support and champion me.
Just tonight I realized that I am starving while surrounded by plenty, and I have no idea how to fix this problem.
I came to the realization that computer programmers are actually artists. It’s an intensely creative process that engages both “right” and “left” brain functions to produce something that other people can enjoy and interact with. Many programmers are deeply invested in the aesthetics and pleasure of the experience for the end-user which is similar to the concerns of most artists.
I always had this left-brained, anti-social stereotype of programmers in my head, and the more I learn about it, the more I see the flaws in my former beliefs.
@wundayatta sit with it until you’re happy with sitting in it
Having an epihany right NOW!
This place sucks!
I wish there was a space for mature people only, ( like the 40–60 something crowd ) but alas, it seems that the ratio of relatively sane, mature and ‘normal’ folk is woefully inadequate compared to the rabid pack of nutcases that seem to feel free to interject their slobbering angst at whim.
I don’t think I can hang in here much longer…the balance is waaay off.
@Coloma I agree we need a way to filter out those with no useful contribution to make, but I don’t agree with the selection criteria – it would count me out by over two decades.
Yes, don’t get me wrong…I am past my frustrations in the moment.
Age matters not, but maturity and non-attacking, useless commentary does.
My daughter and her boyfriend are in their early 20’s and are some of my best pals when it comes to chewing the fat on subjects from A to Z. I just see no point on those that have no interest in certain areas feeling the need to jump in and splatter their noxious attitudes. Stirring the pot for sake of stirring only, not from a place of genuine and thoughtful contribution.
If I am not interested in a topic I bypass it, why would I engage with nothing but put downs and criticism? What a waste of energy. Ugh!
@wundayatta I just find that when uncomfortable with something it’s often trying to teach you something and if you sit in that space of feeling whatever it is that it can sometimes teach us something…then we’re not uncomfortable with it…
Necrophilia & Coprophilia becomes the height of human enlightenment.
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