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What fills you with wonder?
I have been pondering this phrase lately:
”From wonder into wonder existence opens.” (I believe this is associated with Lao Tzu)
These words lead me to see that I sometimes start to drown in the symptoms of lethargy and busyness. Either extreme drains my energy leaving me unaware and inattentive to the world around me. There is something about getting lost in wonder that helps me avoid drowning. I guess, wonder is my life jacket.
For me, being lost in wonder is a purposeful practice of noticing the things that fill my everyday. I go on walks and purposefully take in what surrounds me, sometimes carrying a magnifying glass and often my camera.
It also means stilling the chatter of my internal thoughts and feelings and tuning into the present moment: The feel of water on my skin as I wash the dishes. The laughter in the eyes of my children when they tell each other stories. The intricate delicacy of a budding leaf.
I am sure we all have things that captivate our awareness. What are some of yours?
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