General Question

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

Which cocoa powder is best for your heart?

Asked by malevolentbutticklish (2190points) March 22nd, 2010

Hershey’s makes several. I heard that one or more was “good for your heart”. Even if this isn’t true one is perhaps least-bad. Which is it? Is there a non-Hershey’s variety which is much improved?

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10 Answers

mass_pike4's avatar

that is about the only one i can think of as well. I do know that dark chocolate in general, the more cocoa in it the better, is heart healthy. I would have to say regardless of the brand, if it is real cocoa powder, it will be beneficial

nebule's avatar

I’d have to say Cadbury’s Bourneville being British (even though they’ve just been taken over by KRAFT) it’s unsweetened etc so i imagine this is good for your heart….

La_Guerrera_Mas_Funki's avatar

One with a cacao content of 70% or more. Also, one that is fair trade will be better for the properties that are metaphorically attributed to your heart.

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@La_Guerrera_Mas_Funki @mass_pike4 @lynneblundell: Some 100% cocoa powder is processed with alkali and some isn’t, etc such that the benefits from antioxidants are not all equal. (Just as cans of tuna can have more or less mercury).

janbb's avatar

This article suggests that Dutch process cocoa is the type to avoid if you are looking to have cocoa with the highest amount of anti-oxidents.

nebule's avatar

i’m intrigued as to why you want to know…do you mind revealing?

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@lynneblundell: I consume cocoa. I don’t care (much) what name brand or variety I eat yet I must purchase a specific product. This is the best way I can determine to pick.

nebule's avatar

why a specific product? :-/

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@lynneblundell: I cannot purchase a nonspecific product. How would they know what to ring me up for at the register?

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