My neighbors have left their rusty van parked in front of my home since last year. Is this illegal?
They have a ladder stored on top. It looks horrible.
They unload boxes from other vehicles at odd hours. They store things in the van. I am becoming suspicious about what they are storing in there.
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24 Answers
Are they blocking your driveway? If not, then I don’t think it’s illegal.
Does it have a up to date car tag?
Call the police and have it towed
Don’t they sweep the streets? Are there any laws restricting parking?
I do not know what the laws says but they never move it; and only go into late at night.
The police can prob. put an abandond sticker on it if its been there for a year. nd it will be towed
Unless they are violating parking laws there is no reason to tow. Does your city have a trash ordinance? You might be able to claim it an eyesore.
I had an abandoned car towed from the street in front of my place once. Called the city, they took it away a few days later. The rules depend on you local gov’t.
Maybe if the plates and registration are up-to-date they won’t tow it.
Ask the city or the county what they think.
I think tinyfaery is on to something. Sometimes, there are city ordinances that stipulate how many vehicles can be parked at a house, or that any vehicle that is parked on the street has to be in running order….. If the van doesn’t go, you might be able to get a tow order for it. Depending on where you live, you can call your town or county clerk, or city manager. Each city has a lawyer that acts on it’s behalf and should know what the rules are.
Is there somewhere else the neighbours could park the thing? Push it into their back yard where no one can see it? Have you tried talking to them telling them it looks like hell and you think it would be good for the neighbourhood if they could move it somewhere less of an eyesore?
I had neighbours with a bright light shining into our house… we couldn’t work out what the heck they were doing. It went on for weeks. We finally got their phone number and called them… They had no idea it was bugging us, said sorry and turned it off. Sometimes, people can be nice.
Depends entirely on where you live and the local laws, time for you to do some research… maybe try the courthouse, police station, library, local newspaper – all should have info related to it.
Where I live, that vehicle would’ve been gone after the 2nd week for multiple infractions, but someone usually has to call it in first if it’s in a neighborhood.
I’ve dealt with a few vehicle abandonment issues here in Los Angeles.
Call the parking enforcement division of your transportation or police department.
When I call ours, there’s a message that says, “To report any vehicle left of the street for more than 72 hours or 3 days, press 1.”.
That’s a police issue now. They’re doing it in front of your house because no one’s stopping it.
Have you asked them to move it?
It may very well be. Call the police to see. Does it have current tags?
Unfortunately I have not spoken with these people in years. They once attempted to rip me off. When I caught them . This immoral witch screamed at me. I put her in her place and never acknowledged her existence again.
We have 311 but I might have to give my name. The van has tags but they do not move it. It is an ugly eyesore. They store things in it.
I think they are involved in illegal activities because they receive deliveries late at night.They don’t want people to see what they are doing.
I am not being petty. I do not want their criminal activities to harm my family.
Our disagreement was about taking down a tree which the city said I could not. I obey the law and they do not.
@philosopher That is tricky. I think you can call without giving your name and block the caller ID. I think there are still pay phones around if you want to be extra sure no one knows who called? If you talk to them first, you tip your hand that you are the one who called, if it has to get to the point where ou call the cops. But, if there is no law to help you, then you are SOL. If you talk to them directly with the threat of calling the cops if they won’t move it, then if they are doing illegal activity they might just move it to keep the cops from being called. Bit of a quandry.
Times like these reinforce why people live in communities with covenants.
Thank you @JLeslie .
I am sending you a PM.
I am paying attention to any illegal things they do. They also double park all the time.
My Son’s Bus driver has put them in their place.
I wish someone new the law and could advise me.
Have you called parking enforcement?
In our area any vehicle left on the street for more than 72 hours will be subject to towing regardless of whether it has tags.
Also, we only have to give them a description of the vehicle and where it’s parked.
All we have in NYC is 311. They don’t do much unless you insist.
I am not sure how to document my case.
In big cities Police don’t want to get involved. Unless you can prove things to them.
Have you tried calling 311 and asking for parking enforcement?
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