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ZEPHYRA's avatar

Which part of your body has caused you the biggest amount of trouble throughout your life?

Asked by ZEPHYRA (21750points) March 22nd, 2010

Is there a part of your body that has caused you untold problems during your life?

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41 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Scoliosis (curvature of spine).

chyna's avatar

My mouth.

MissAusten's avatar

Yeah, my ovaries. They’ve conspired with my husband’s testicles to make sure I never get a moment’s peace.

janbb's avatar

My feet have probably been the worst; flat, pronated ankles, etc.

Mariah's avatar

Colon/immune system. I won’t go into the gory details (you’re welcome) but I’ve got an autoimmune disease where my immune system basically thinks my colon is a foreign object and attacks it. I’ve had to go as far as going on intravenous nutrition for it. Not. Fun.

faye's avatar

My poor back! and then my poor feet- arthritis.

aprilsimnel's avatar

My left big toe. I broke it when I was 19 and it healed with a bunion at the base of the toe.

deni's avatar

My teeth. It makes me so sad. I hate them. They look nice after having braces, but I have weak teeth. I’ve had like 13 fillings :( and a root canal last year. And nothing terrifies me more than dental work. It’s horrible.

CyanoticWasp's avatar


They all sort of take turns.

DominicX's avatar

I’d have to say my hands and my mouth.

That’s more for what I do with them. Can’t say I’ve had many medical problems in any part of my body. Though I do get sore throats a lot and I just had strep throat. I also used to get bad cramps in my intestines, not so much anymore.

filmfann's avatar

I have had a bad back since I was about 14.
I was a paper-boy, and some of those papers were far too heavy for kids to carry.

prolificus's avatar

My genes. I got too many bad ones from my parents.

Blackberry's avatar

Do I have to say it? 8=========D

mass_pike4's avatar

back, definitely the most common. I would have to say my ankles too. I’ve sprained both more than once

wundayatta's avatar

Back—I think I’ve put more than one Chiropractor’s kid through college.

Brain—most significant problem I’ve ever faced, but fortunately, that didn’t hit me until I was starting my sixth decade.

jrpowell's avatar

My teeth.

deni's avatar

@johnpowell sympathy brotha

Hexr's avatar

My brain. Nothing can ever come even close to the amount of trouble it’s caused me. I sometimes think there’s another person in my head whose job it is to move things around so I lose track of them and things short circuit.


My stomach. I have a very sensitive stomach, like my Mom, and if I don’t watch what and how much I eat I will often end up with bad stomachaches. My teeth also give me problems from time to time——I have teeth that is sensitive to cold things, and my gums are starting to recede, exposing the sensitive nerves. :(

Bluefreedom's avatar

As of March 17th, 2006, it has been my pancreas as that was the day I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes. It probably stopped working or being effective long before that but it just caught up to me in a big way close to the time I found out I had diabetes.

shadling21's avatar

My skin. Acne and a birth mark that was removed in anticipation of cancerous cells.

JessicaisinLove's avatar

My skin. It keeps attracting fat.

holden's avatar

My penis.


pengut2's avatar

My stomach, I found out I was allgeric to gluten four years ago, and it’s gotten better but it’s always been bad.

Nullo's avatar

Three-way tie here.
My feet have no arches, which has always limited the amount of time I can go without either them or my ankles hurting.
I was born six weeks early, so my lungs started off weak, just about killed me. Then we throw asthma into the mix…
After that, probably my mouth. Fillings, braces, wisdom teeth, the works.

JeffVader's avatar

My right leg. Repeated injuries to it throughout my life means it’s almost permanently painful.

whyigottajoin's avatar

Nails. Very veryyy weak nails. Yugh. O_o!

JLeslie's avatar

@whyigottajoin Keep them painted. Do you already? 3 coats, can be clear, but can’t use fast dry. Change the polish every 4 to five days.

whyigottajoin's avatar

@JLeslie You’re totally right. I normally do but I had these drugstore glue-on-nails a while ago and they had to recover and now I’m waiting till they grow longer untill I paint them. Bc I dont like short nails so much.. Or should I start now with clear coats, will that make them stonger when they grow longer? (lol that rhymes..)

JLeslie's avatar

@whyigottajoin I think start right away, although the polish is most important as the nail begins to grow above the tip of your finger. If they are right at the edge of your finger now, in two weeks you will have “nails.” Also, I find that filing them at curve helps protect them from breaking when they are longer, but most people prefer straight across.

shadling21's avatar

@whyigottajoin @JLeslie There are nail strengthening polishes, too. I’m not sure if they work.

JLeslie's avatar

Personally, I think regular old nail polish is typically sufficient. Loreal and Revlon work fine for me. But, I do hear very good feedback about nailtiques if the polish does not suffice. The polish adds layers to the nail, so it is not nourishing he nail per se, but it adds strength, because it is the equivialent of having stronger, thicker nails. Some people also say biotin and b vitamins help.

downtide's avatar

My eyes. They don’t work properly, I’ve had to have surgery on one of them, and it’s cost me a fortune in glasses.

Just_Justine's avatar

Gosh you made me realize how lucky I am, I cant think of any problem any part has given me. I am lucky :)

Ron_C's avatar

Right leg. Had an accident and severed my Achilles tendon and ended up with a DVT. Now I have to take coumadin for the rest of my life or have blood clots

Jabe73's avatar

Persistent chronic headaches as long as I can remember time. The brain does not have nerves so I guess I would just say my head.

ApolloX64's avatar

Damaged tendons in both knees, and a very demented intestine/colon affliction which has been with me since my Military days. Five years and counting, damn contaminated water on base which they never owned up to.

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janbb's avatar

^^ Was there spam in the creme?

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