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filmfann's avatar

10K time for RedPowerLady!

Asked by filmfann (52597points) March 22nd, 2010

The mansion is decked out for the big 10K celebration!
Let’s give her a rousing welcome!

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75 Answers

MrGV's avatar



Captain_Fantasy's avatar

What? No clever word play?

filmfann's avatar

Pancakes to the left, receiving line at the right, and straight ahead to the frizzer!
Well done! and congratulations!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations! These parties are coming quickly now. Cake for all!

Vunessuh's avatar


shego's avatar

Congrats! @RedPowerLady
This is fun! So many smart people out here. I guess the parties are never going to end.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar


jrpowell's avatar

A new baby and 10K in the same year. Congrats!! 10k > baby

edit :: and she lives in Eugene. So that is awesome.

rangerr's avatar

New baby and now 10K? Holy cow.
This party is never going to stop, so you are going to need a babysitter while you are here.
I’ll babysit Piper while you party. I’ll teach her to ride horses, too.
This mansion is going to be awesome.
You are superfantasticlygreat and awesome now.
This is well deserved, too! Happy 10K!

Cruiser's avatar

HS It’s contagious!!! Congrats on making the front page!!

faye's avatar

Congratulations, missed your comments lately.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

How about some lovely red cake for the lovely RedPowerLady? Congratulations!

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

10K earns you the right to have a sports energy drink named after you!

I-N-T-R-O-D-U-C-I-N-G – - – - – - – RED POWER LADY LADY Lady lady lady

wundayatta's avatar

Wow! RedPowerLady is such a strong voice—an advocate for the issues facing native Americans. She’s smart and articulate, and I’m so glad she’s back from having her baby.
Congratulations! Congratulations ten times over! 10K times, that is!

Tenpinmaster's avatar

More power to you :) grats on 10K!! Woot!

filmfann's avatar

Does the 10K mansion have a nursery? Better check!

Jude's avatar

You’re awesome! We’ve missed you here! Congrats!!

jrpowell's avatar

@filmfann :: I take care of the children.

Les's avatar

YAY Lady! What a super day it is! Welcome back on the block!

HTDC's avatar

Wow another 10k entrant! Well done RedPowerLady.

Violet's avatar

All right sexy lady! Congratulations on reaching 10K baby!

filmfann's avatar

@johnpowell Even with the restraining order?

ubersiren's avatar

Yay! Congratulations, Mama! Now you can be nasty all you want. ;) (Not that you ever would). So much lurve for you!

figbash's avatar

YAY Red…It sounds like you may need a compound for the 10K Mansion.

Thank you for your many insightful answers!

kevbo's avatar

Congrats, sweetie.

cyn's avatar

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well deserved!!!!!!!!

Dog's avatar


You have a magnificent view of the ocean and sunsets from your suite in our mansion and I have hired a full staff to pamper you!

I am so glad you are here!

AstroChuck's avatar

Congrats on making the big 10K, you crazy crimson power chick!
Let the big ol’, bad ol’ fiesta begin!

Just give me a couple hours to recover from the last 10K party, then I’m good. Wake me around 10:30 PDT or so.

IBERnineD's avatar

Oh awesome this calls for red velvet!!! I love you @RedPowerLady! Thanks for being awesome

Bluefreedom's avatar


rangerr's avatar

@johnpowell Hey! I already called that!

Ansible1's avatar

Congrats, much lurve!

Likeradar's avatar


tinyfaery's avatar

Yay! You are one of the greatest jellies. Whenever I see you posting I know that something thoughtful and wise is coming.

Bugabear's avatar

Heyyy Congrats.

Buttonstc's avatar

What a wonderful time for you. A new baby plus 10K.

All congrats richly deserved. Yippee for you, Lady.

susanc's avatar

Can I hold the baby too pleeeeez? I’ll be nice.
So great. Two exactly equivalent accomplishments both at once!
Wow RPL! Don’t go away again – after all, you can fluther in your sleep (if you get any for a little while).

Cartman's avatar

Yay! RedPower – how can that be anything but great?!?

loser's avatar

CONGRATS!!! We lurve you!!!

La_chica_gomela's avatar


Jeruba's avatar

Dear @RedPowerLady, I am so pleased to roll out the red carpet for you. I missed you while you were gone. Not that you didn’t have a wonderful reason to be away—but still, we put a little extra polish on your doorknob so it’ll slip in your hand if you try to leave again.

Dr_C's avatar

Congratulations to a fantastic Jelly! you are an amazing contributor and always entertaining to read! welcome to the mansion!

i’ve got some booze stashed in the pool house… don’t tell the others

trailsillustrated's avatar

she lives in eugene! we love redpowerlady!

FishGutsDale's avatar

Howcome all the celebratory threads get the most lurve i have ever seen?!?...It smells like a brothel in here. Be safe guys.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Congratulation for your effort! I’m glad to see you again.

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

danny's avatar


augustlan's avatar

Congratulations! So much good stuff coming your way all at once. :D

OreetCocker's avatar

Congrats @RedPowerLady, nice job :-)

Fyrius's avatar

Congrats on hitting the fifth digit! :D

Also, welcome back. :)

TLRobinson's avatar

Is there room for me to say…Congratulations!!

syz's avatar

Woo hoo! Congratulations!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I coulda sworn you were already in the mansion with us! Congratulations! Naturally, your room will be prepared with a full nursery and an on call nanny whenever you need a little extra sleep. :)

jonsblond's avatar

It’s people like you @RedPowerLady, that make Fluther the type of place I enjoy spending my time at. Congrats pretty lady! :D

janbb's avatar


You and I have been buddies here for a while; bonding over pregnancy (mine from many years ago), identity issues and now babies! I was so glad to see you back and to hear about your wonderful new daughter.

I have learned so much from you about tribal issues and developmental issues. You are one of the Jellies who has broadened my understanding of the world; the biggest benefit for me of being here.

Mazel Tov™, sweetie! So glad life is going well for you!

fireside's avatar

Congrats to you RedPowerLady!!!

Cupcake's avatar

Woo hoo @RedPowerLady!!! :) Congrats to you!

wilma's avatar

Way to go!
I have missed you being around lately, but I know you have been busy with your darlin’ baby!

casheroo's avatar

Yay, @redpowerlady! Congratulations on 10k and a beautiful baby girl :) I love seeing you on the boards as well, wish you were on more!

erichw1504's avatar

Congratulations @RedPowerLady! Keep on lurvin’!

forestGeek's avatar

Congratulations and cheers to your 10K!!

zephyr826's avatar

Hooray for @RedPowerLady! Babies and 10K and Bears (sorry, but I needed the phrase), Oh My!

SuperMouse's avatar

RedPowerLady, I am one of your biggest fans! Congratulations, your place in the mansion is well derserved!

janbb's avatar

And just where is the guest of honor?

aprilsimnel's avatar

Too bad this isn’t also a baby shower!

Congrats on reaching 10K, RedPowerLady! You’re a wonderful and compassionate Jelly!

marinelife's avatar

So sorry that I am late to the party. Congratulations on reaching the 10k mansion and we see by the picture on your profile that you got the special bonus present that we sent.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Thank you so much everyone! Sorry I’m a bit late (and to my own party, lol). Was taking care of new fussy baby girl. But I suppose the nanny in the mansion can handle that ;).

You all are so great. I really enjoy this site and the members. I really mean that :)

JLeslie's avatar

Congrats! Sorry I am late to the party.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Yikes! How did I miss this?! CONGRATS REDPOWERLADY!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I know this is late…but Congratulations!!! :) I just now saw it!

cornbird's avatar

Happy belated 10K!!! Sorry I was so late but i now saw the thread.

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