Social Question

What do you think the most fascinating/amazing part/function of the human body is, and why?
I saw the BodyWorld exhibit (if you don’t know what it is, it’s an exhibit that features real human bodies and body parts on display…look it up and go see it pronto if it comes to your town) at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science on Saturday night and since then I have thought about nothing else but how amazing it is that we are even alive. We’re so complex. They had fetuses from 2 weeks to 30-some weeks. Some of them looked like aliens and that amazed me. So did just the sheer complexity of everything inside of us. I think reproduction fascinates me the most. It is fucking amazing. A friend I went with bought the book which featured a photo of a cross section of a pregnant woman laying down. You could see the baby all curled up and it was the first time I actually saw another human inside a human. But that’s a tie with emotions. I don’t even know where to begin, it’s just amazing we feel the things we do and did you know that you can die of a broken heart? Grief and sadness can actually kill you! Senses are amazing too…and the brain? A chunk of meat that does….everything?!?!!?!?!? It just makes you think…how.
heres a few to look at:
pregnant woman
man on horse
So what part of us do you think is the most unbelievable or interesting or fascinating or hard to understand or….ya know, whatever. I wanna know :)