How can i remember the difference between republicans and democrats?
i always forget which is which.
which one are the good guys and which are the bad guys?
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38 Answers
Just agree with everything I say, that’s the best way to know you’re with the good guys.
It’s pretty easy. Republicans begins with R and ends with cans. Democrats begins with D and ends with rats.
It’s the cans vs the rats. That’s all you need to know.
Republicans demonstrate a strict interpretation of the constitution while democrats do not.
Republicans are the ones who pretend to care about personal liberties, national security, and, ironically, law and order while they spend all their time giving everything they can to their corporate supporters. Democrats are the ones who pretend to care about workers’ right to organize, the environment, and social justice while they spend all their time giving everything they can to their corporate supporters.
Just remember that Republicans are into the R’s and C’s: Conservative, Republican, Right, Red. Consistency.
Democrats are into D’s and L’s: Liberal, Left, bLue, Democrat. Different.
“good” and “bad” are so subjective. Republicans want to keep things the way they are. Democrats want to constantly improve things. You decide which is good.
It’s easy. One consists of complete Idiots. The other is full of Morons.
I’m curious as to which party who guys vote for since none of you have anything good to say lol
Which would take the biggest crap on you the donkey or the elephant?That would be one way of deciphering which is which.
Ron Paul for President!
And it has nothing to do with his association with morons or idiots.
@Justnice I generally vote as left of center as possible.
I would really like to see the presidential race come down to Ron Paul versus Dennis Kucinich. The results would require congress to actually reign in executive power, which neither party was willing to do in the last administration, and we could have a discussion about the real issues instead of who was going to drop more bombs on better targets.
What’s so bad about abolishing the IRS, legalizing drugs, and bringing home the troops immediately?
Oh! And auditing the Fed. What’s so “no cookie. bad” about that?
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Taxation is a necessity in regulating a government. I have no problem with the other stances you mentioned, but I don’t agree with privatizing everything. As citizens of the US, we owe a debt for our free education if nothing else… We’re as rich as we are because we live in this country, not in spite of it. Whining about taxes when we make 99% more take home money that the rest of the world is a little off-base.
Back on Airow (peace be upon it), the legendary web community of yore that yours truly is a refugee from, we had a guy called ProudRepublican, an immature ultra-conservative caricature pseudo-troll who wouldn’t look out of place on Conservapedia, and who would always call his straw man opponents “democraps”. That made it rather easy for me to remember.
Though I suppose it also made me visualise him when I hear the word “republican”.
@JeanPaulSartre I didn’t know that mentioning something was automatically considered as whining. Sales tax alone can provide all you desire for our great nation, and it is much less prone to being tainted with questionable deductions designed for the rich to advantage. Sales tax only has also been demonstrated to increase discriminant spending habits.
I forget which state has adopted it, but there is one in the US, and from what I heard on NPR the other day, it has proven quite successful for all concerned parties including state budget and the people alike.
The elephants full of shit (Republicans)
and the other makes asses of themselves (Democrats)
It’s just the way I remember. I have to make things up in order to remember important things.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies There are several states that have no income tax and rely heavily on sales taxes (thought I think they all also have property taxes), but most of them are states that have lots of tourists coming in from out of state and buying things, and they also have high restaurant and hotel taxes (Florida is perhaps the best example), but that doesn’t mean that it would work on the Federal level.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Whining about taxes is what Ron Paul does. A lot. It’s probably the least of our worries in America. Sales tax only would be a much heavier burden of the poor, as they would be unable to afford basic amenities… food, which is generally without tax for example. The idea of sales tax only would be feasible, assuming you want to get rid of a lot of public programs, or privately fund them, which has worked for no countries of world impacting size/power.
I think Lewis Black has the difference between Democrats and Republicans down pretty well.
“What is the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? A Democrat blows; a Republican sucks.”
“A Republican stands up in congress and says ‘I GOT A REALLY BAD IDEA!!’ and the Democrat stands up after him and says ‘AND I CAN MAKE IT SHITTIER!!’”
@Snarp @JeanPaulSartre
Thank you both for your comments. Obviously we could hijack this thread and carry on with one another for ages… I suppose we all have much more to say about this.
But know that your comments have been heard and will surely be considered in respect and brotherhood. May we find common ground on the issues we disagree on in the future. I’m confident that our foundational goals are quite similar, though we may have different methodologies for attaining them.
With respect.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I fully agree that our end goals are almost certainly similar – I’ll happily have a debate about method of attaining that, instead of the too frequent debate over what the end goal should be, anytime. Best.
Republicans are closet homosexuals. Democrats are up front about it.
Republicans are draft dodgers. Democrats are wounded veterans that the Republicans characterize as fakers.
Republicans ignored the constitution under Bush. Democrats haven’t fully restored it yet.
The best way to remember it is your house and car get repo’ed with the Republicans, and you are damned with the Dems.
could anyone break it down in terms of ninjas vs pirates?
Republicans are Pirates, but with no swords. Democrats are ninjas, but without hands.
@JeanPaulSartre But Democrats are obviously the pirates, they’re always stealing our money, and having gay sex on boats! ~
obama’s team… are they ninjas or pirates?
i would think bush’s team were the pirates.
Obama’s team are Pirate ninja princes… from… uh… another dimension. No metaphor, I just got carried away.
Republicans think Private Ownership is an inalienable right, a liberty and a transcendental indicator of freedom, which is true, particularly for the lucky few who own lots of real estate and stocks and shares. They are free to eat what they choose, drink what they choose, work when they choose, fly where they choose, wear what they choose, see whatever doctor/dentist they choose, when they choose, live where they choose, educate their children where they choose, say what they choose, (however stupid) and so forth. The remaining majority are free also, free to earn a colossal income, or eek out a living on minimum wage, but that is their choice, just so long as they don’t infringe upon the liberties of the lucky few or they may find these wonderful liberties severely restricted by prison bars. So the message is clear, money will set you free :) and taxes won’t :( . In fact the message is broadcast loud and clear by all those good hearted individuals lucky enough to own gigantic, monopolistic media corporations like Fox news. Which you are free to pay attention to or not.
Democrats are sympathetic to more state control over certain aspects of society, because they just don’t believe individuals can be trusted with all this freedom and to look out for their best interests as well as society’s. But are having a hard time convincing all those people who’s primary source of information is Fox news :(
Republicans currently, generally, are pro-life, anti-gay marriage, want to throw illegal immigrants out of the country, dislike government programs like social security and welfare, and used try to say they are fically conservative, but I have my doubts. They preach individual rights, smaller government, and seem to prefer state government over central government, but the truth is they are for individual rights that agree with their right wing Christians thinking (not that all Christians are right wing). Also, they have been voting for laws to infringe on individual rights in what seems like record numbers to me in the last 10 years. The Republican party is also called the GOP and also think Republican, R, Right, Red.
Dems, are liberal on social issues. Pro-choice, pro-gay rights, seem to have a better understanding of the diversity in our country and the inequities. They believe in government regulation to protect citizens. Things like consumer protections, laws governing business, etc. People will try to say that Dems are not conservative fiscally, but it seems Pres. Clinton was one of the most fiscally conservative president we have had in 40 years in my opinion. He did not believe in spending money you don’t have.
Many people in each party do not agree 100% with the parties platform, so you cannot assume all of these generalizations when an individual identifies themselves as being part of a particular party.
Democrats – Rarely in power
Republicans – Shouldnt be in power
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