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JeanPaulSartre's avatar

The GOP has lost its collective mind? 1 in 5 Republicans thinks that Obama is the antichrist?

Asked by JeanPaulSartre (5785points) March 23rd, 2010

According to this poll over 20% of republicans believe that our President is the Antichrist. That’s a pretty heavy charge. I hope this poll is a severe outlier.

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17 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

Antichrist? Wow. I’m guessing the right wing hates Obama worse than the left wing hated Bush.

kevbo's avatar


don’t take this to mean I believe the dems are any better.

JLeslie's avatar

That poll seems to accurately represent the people around me.

mammal's avatar

“Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge.” ..................

kheredia's avatar

Wow.. talk about being desperate.. they need to get over their tantrum.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

I’m disinclined to believe those poll numbers just because they seem so wacko. Does he mention if the poll included an option for less extreme answers? Not that I see.

Politics in general are crazy. Obama was going to get shit from the GOP no matter what he did. That’s just the way our lame, overly partisan, ridiculous system works.

filmfann's avatar

Nostrodamas said the name of the 3rd AntiChrist was Mabus. Turn the M and the A upside down and you get GWBus.
Now who is the AntiChrist?

iphigeneia's avatar

“We are playing with dynamite by demonizing our president and dividing the United States in the process. What might be good for ratings is bad for the country.”

You can say that again.

noyesa's avatar

@iphigeneia Seems like nobody on Fox News even calls him “Mr. President”. Just Obama.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I wish the wingnuts would just come right on out and tell the truth about what they’re feeling. They don’t believe he’s the Antichrist, they think that he’s going to sound the clarion bell and 15 million black people will run riot, murder them all, take away their property and money and basically demote them from their imaginary BMOC status. As if anyone other than a few hundred of who they think of as “one of them” in the entirety of US history ever could’ve claimed that title, anyway.

I have a message for them:

No, frightened white people, POC (and blacks especially) aren’t coming to kill you and take everything you’ve got. No one’s looking to eliminate you from the face of the earth. OK? Have you got that? This is our country, too, though, and not just yours. No matter what you think, the pain, sweat, blood and tears of POCs have built up this country and its wealth as sure as your ancestors’ and we will stand up for what’s right. Funny, though, how there’s only a few of “your kind” at the top, and – hey! They’re not sharing anything they’ve got with you, are they? I haven’t seen the Bush family offer any of you one thin dime. Why don’t you go have a chat with them about that?

Just face the reality: You are not superior. And it’s sad that you’re so insecure as a group that you have to play some stupid superiority card. “Oh, but call it something else! Uh, socialism! Uh, Obama’s the Antichrist! We need plausible deniability!” Well, it’s not working. I, for one, am sick of it, and hardly anybody’s so stupid as to not see the subtext here. Grow up. I know it hurts, but, dammit, you guys need to grow the fuck up. Thank you.

Qingu's avatar

The question’s premise rests on the false assumption that Republicans are capable of thinking.

(As opposed to mindlessly repeating what they are told.)

JLeslie's avatar

@aprilsimnel I would agree that most of the politicians and spinmeisters don’t really believe he is the anti-christ, but the Bible thumping, not too bright Christians (again I do not think all Christians are stupid or extreme) really do in my opinion. They have whirred themselves into a tizzy of fear, they are terrified. Muslims are the enemy, and he is one, the Devil is at work, good vs. evil. they really believe all of it in my opinion. These people are easily led, and the leaders take advantage of it.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

@JLeslie true story. Evil leaders, anyway.

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