Will i be able to type on my computer?
Thursday, i am having neck surgery. i expect to be in a hardcollar for several weeks. will i be able to function enough, in order to type and read the computer screen or will the hardcollar prevent this? if you have had a similar situation, i need your advice.
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14 Answers
If you could type before, should be no reason why not. Unless you need to look at the keyboard.
Sick, thanks. i can type pretty good, without looking, except for the numbers. i never did master the numbers on a keyboard. thanks.
I’ve never been in a collar as you describe. However I am always, constantly, doing modifications on things because many of my family members have various disabilities.
I think at first you will be in pain and probably will just want to rest. Once you are able, where there is a will there is a way. You will figure it out once you get there. Is it a laptop? Did you know you can attach a usb keyboard to a laptop? You can perhaps raise the thing to eye level on a box, stack of books, so you don’t have to look down as far. You can attach the usb keyboard and set it on an angle propping a rolled up towel under the top half, so you can see the keys better. If you have to, hold a pencil and peck with it. I don’t know if any of none of these “modifications” will help you. But life for disabled people is all about finding ways to modify things to make them work. If you have to raise or lower the keyboard level, you might use a folding tv tray table or some other creative way to change the height. If you have to enlarge the font on the monitor so you dont have to lean close to it to read it, there are ways to blow up the font on most browsers. (In firefox it is view: zoom).
I’m not sure if you use a desktop PC, or a laptop. I have seen people bedridden who had a table set up next to their bed when they couldn’t sit up. All I can say is, depending on your pain, flexibility, angle of vision, you will just have to make modifications accordingly. You will probably be fine. However if you need to alter things a bit, you’re a smart guy. You will find a way to modify things accordingly. I think having the monitor closer to eye level or meeting the angle of your vision with your head fixed will be the key. That might mean finding a way to raise it to your eye level or tilting it.
I don’t know much at all about hardcollars, but if all they do is immobilize your neck, back and/or shoulders, I think you could work it out if you had to. If you can’t do it comfortably with the setup you have now, and if you really need to get on a computer, maybe you could get a layout tailored for you. Your insurance might cover it. If people who can only move their eyballs can use computers, I’m sure they have something for you.
I wish I knew more. I hope my post is more helpful than distracting. Good luck.
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if you need to you can always type with your mouse. i didn’t touch my keyboard to send this. it sucks but it works.
I have nothing to offer re the keyboard inquiry, I just want to send good wishes for the surgery to go well. I will be thinking of you.
Marinelife, thank you. i am a little nervous about this surgery. a piece of bone will be taken off my hip in order to place in my C6–7 area of my neck. the old cadaver in my neck, broke off and is hitting a nerve going down my left arm and fingers. quite painful. again, thanks for your concern. john
johnpowell, i did not know this existed. thats interesting and may become very useful for me. thanks.
My brother broke his hand a few years back. After putting on the cast, he asked the Doc “will I be able to play the piano?” Doc says “Oh, sure.” My brother says “Funny, I never could before!”
Stratman, you made me laugh. thanks.
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