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Are 3D movies really worth it, or is this just a passing fad?
I don’t get it, there’s a big fight now for 3D screens in theaters among the big movie studios, all in the wake of Avatar. But wouldn’t Avatar have done just as well and been just as big a deal if it weren’t in 3D? Now everything is coming out in 3D, but is it really improving the movie experience? Now maybe I’m just jaded because I witnessed JAWS 3D and Michael Jackson’s Captain EO at EPCOT Center, but I really have no interest in a 3D movie. Maybe its also the fact that they give me migraines, even the online demos I’ve seen of the newer 3D weren’t that exciting and gave me a headache. Am I the last curmudgeon who thinks this is all stupid? Will I one day face a choice between a diminished movie going experience and a migraine? Or will this all fade away like it did last time?
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