It is indeed a sad day when any industry, science or discipline can hijack a word, use it for their own purposes, effectively redefining the original meaning, with no regard to the etymological history of that word, nor at least the common layman definition. I do not take it lightly, and find it quite inexcusable. It is a foreboding sign of lazy science and careless people. Words deserve our respect. They are nothing to toss about casually. It covers the Truth and stops progress dead in its tracks, for we are ultimately left with a broken language that makes effective communication absolutely impossible.
Such is the case with the word, Information.
Although Wikipedia is a valid source for knowledge, it is by no means the end all determination for what a thing is. Before delving into what the accepted and historical views are on what Information is, I feel the need to address the Wikipedia claims, specifically the so called definitions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, as suggested.
#2 – As Sensory Input
It conflates observation and awareness as synonymous with Information. This is false, and what I call “Apparent Information”. It conforms to no conventional definition. Sensory input is nothing more than cause and reaction to stimuli. Information does not exist until an action is authored upon that stimuli. It uses the Bee as an example, claiming the yellow flower is an information source. Wrong. The yellow flower is an observable phenomenon. Information doesn’t exist until the Bee authors a very specific figure 8 Waggle dance, ABOUT the flower. The Bee encodes his perception of that observation (space A) and other Bees decode the thought (space B). The figure 8 Waggle Dance specifically encodes for direction, distance, wind drift, quality of pollen, and even offers an optimum suggested route for the hive to follow. The yellow flower did not speak to the Bee or share any Information at all. The Bee writes his own Information. But the Wiki didn’t even mention the figure 8 Waggle Dance. Same can be said for Whale Song and Wolf Howls.
#3 – As an influence which leads to transformation
The author demonstrates a lacking knowledge of DNA, claiming “Consider, for example, DNA. The sequence of nucleotides is a PATTERN that influences the formation and development of an organism without any need for a conscious mind. Systems theory at times seems to refer to information in this sense, assuming information does not necessarily involve any conscious mind, and patterns circulating (due to feedback) in the system can be called information.”
This is an outrageously short sighted depiction of DNA. DNA is NOT a Pattern. It is called The Genetic Code for a very good reason. It is not called The Genetic Pattern for the same reasons. Look up any definition in the world for Information. No mention of Pattern will ever be made. No synonym either. Look up any definition in the world for Pattern. No mention of Information will ever be made. No synonym either.
The author should not use the words “sequence” and “pattern” in the same sentence. It is horrifically misleading. One synonym for Pattern is Blueprint. In his book, Information Theory, Evolution, and the Origin of Life, Hubert Yockey gives specific reasons as to why DNA is NOT a Blueprint.
“The genome is sometimes called a “blueprint” by people who have never seen a blueprint. Blueprints, no longer used, were two-dimensional, a poor metaphor indeed, for the linear and digital sequences of nucleotides in the genome. The linear structure of DNA and mRNA is often referred to as a template. A template is two-dimensional, it is not subject to mutations, nor can it reproduce itself. This is a poor metaphor as anyone who has used a jigsaw will be aware. One must be careful not to make a play on words.”
#4 – As a property in physics
They conflate Energy with Information. Why? “In 2003, J. D. Bekenstein claimed there is a growing trend in physics to define the physical world as being made of information itself (and thus information is defined in this way)”
Physics hijacks a word and gives it a completely different definition. This is certainly not a conventional definition by any means. This is lazy and careless science. It forces Information to be considered as a physical thing. It begs us to believe that the medium IS the message, one in the same. It actually says, ”…information could be thought of as interchangeable with energy.” What?
Find me a formal definition or an etymological history that mentions anything at all about Information and Energy being interchangeable. I cannot find the word Energy in any definition of Information. I cannot find the word Information in any definition of Energy. This is a ridiculous conflation. Physics has STOLEN the word Information from the English language and redefined it for some strangely obscure reason that I cannot fathom. Inexcusable.
#5 – As records
I certainly agree with this. I’m unsure why it was presented. Records are definitely a source of retrieving Information. It is accomplished with Code. No problems with number 5, although it may best be thought of as Data, which is a type of Information management.
#6 – Information and semiotics
I agree with this as well. But semiotics is not a definition for Information. Semiotics is an application based upon symbolic logic. Semiotics is basically a specified study of Code, in the form of Signs and Symbols.
May we please consider the actual definitions and etymology of Information?
inform – early 14c., “to train or instruct in some specific subject,” from L. informare “to shape, form, train, instruct, educate,” from in- “into” + forma “form.” Sense of “report facts or news” first recorded late 14c. Informer “one who gives information against another” (especially in ref. to law-breaking) is from c.1500.
Online Etymology Dictionary – Information
Clearly a property of mind.
information – late 14c., “act of informing,” from O.Fr. informacion, from L. informationem (nom. informatio) “outline, concept, idea,” noun of action from informare (see inform). Meaning “knowledge communicated” is from c.1450. Short form info is attested from 1906. Infomercial (with commercial) and infotainment (with entertainment) are from 1983. Before infomercial was the print form, advertorial (1961).
Online Etymology Dictionary – Information
Clearly a property of mind. Please note “knowledge communicated”.
notice (n.) – early 15c.,
“information, intelligence,” from L. notitia “a being known, fame, knowledge,” from notus “known,” pp. of (g)noscere “come to know, to get to know, get acquainted (with),” from PIE *gno-sko-, a suffixed form of root *gno- (see know). Sense of “formal warning” is attested from 1590s. Meaning “a sign giving information” is from 1805. The verb is attested from mid-15c., originally “to notify;” sense of “to point out” is from 1620s. Meaning “to take notice of” is attested from 1757, but was long execrated in England as an Americanism (occasionally as a Scottishism, the two crimes not being clearly distinguished).
Online Etymology Dictionary – Notice
Clearly a property of mind.
Merriam Webster
Pronunciation: \ˌin-fər-ˈmā-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence
2 a (1) : knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction (2) : intelligence, news (3) : facts, data b : the attribute inherent in and communicated by one of two or more alternative sequences or arrangements of something (as nucleotides in DNA or binary digits in a computer program) that produce specific effects c (1) : a signal or character (as in a communication system or computer) representing data (2) : something (as a message, experimental data, or a picture) which justifies change in a construct (as a plan or theory) that represents physical or mental experience or another construct d : a quantitative measure of the content of information; specifically : a numerical quantity that measures the uncertainty in the outcome of an experiment to be performed
3 : the act of informing against a person
4 : a formal accusation of a crime made by a prosecuting officer as distinguished from an indictment presented by a grand jury
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation.
in·for·ma·tion n
1. definite knowledge acquired or supplied about something or somebody
2. the collected facts and data about a particular subject
3. a telephone service that supplies telephone numbers to the public on request.
Also called directory assistance
U.K. term directory enquiries
4. the communication of facts and knowledge
5. computer data that has been organized and presented in a systematic fashion to clarify the underlying meaning
6. a formal accusation of a crime brought by a prosecutor, as opposed to an indictment brought by a grand jury
No mention of Energy or Pattern anywhere to be found. Not in the synonyms either.