Social Question

LostInParadise's avatar

Will advertisers ever run out of ideas?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) March 24th, 2010

It is one thing if you have a brand new product to promote, but how many ways are there to advertise for McDonald’s? It is just a frigging hamburger.

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16 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

I sincerely hope so. Often, I find it impossible to guess what the product is? Dancing girls in pretty clothes? Kia. Autos rushing around? Old Navy. Sunlight on a lovely calm lake? Antidepressants.

fyoz's avatar

They already have run out of ideas.

Everything they do now is just recycling from the past.

They’re pretty thankful we aren’t immortal, ‘cause then we’d notice their schtick.

asmonet's avatar

No, it isn’t likely. As our culture changes it will have newer and newer things to draw from. And if they can’t think of enough new ideas, they’ll recycle the old in the meantime.

Side-note, I have noticed an increase in more quirky, intellectual and silly ads compared to the cookie cutter ads I remember from the previous decade. I have some small hopes for funnier ads in the future.

Example for Bud Light. Another for Captain Morgan that I thought was very well done.

poisonedantidote's avatar

i think it already happened.

if i ever have a product to sell, it will appear against a white backdrop with a voice that say: “product x, it does this” thats it. what else do you need.

lilikoi's avatar

Culture evolves, and therefore new opportunities for creative advertising arise.

gemiwing's avatar

Interesting Frontline episode about advertising- The Persuaders

asmonet's avatar

@poisonedantidote: A lot of commercials I saw while I was in France several years ago were exactly that. I commented on how straightforward and honest they seemed. The girl my age whose house I was staying in commented on how much more she preferred American commercials she’d seen, “full of life” as she put it. She wanted more creativity, and others agreed. It’s all a matter of taste and what you take for granted as the norm where you are.

asmonet's avatar

Ha, I just found this one from a link of a link of a link…

Cell Phone Ad

faye's avatar

@asmonet So good! It would offend someone in Canada I’m sure!

tabbycat's avatar

Will people ever run out of ideas? I don’t think so. The question is, are those ideas any good?

john65pennington's avatar

I was in advertising back in the 60s. i use to write copy for commercials. i can tell you this, the commercials you are watching and listening to today are the repeats of the 60s. one of the hardest commercials to write is for food at a grocery store. its difficult to make food attractive, when the price is so high. commercials today are like the songs of the 60s, just a repeat or a remake.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

The minute Americans run out of money you can be sure advertisers will be long gone.

thriftymaid's avatar

Haven’t they?

mattbrowne's avatar

There’s an infinite set of potential English sentences.

There are more potential 100 KB JPG images than stars in the universe.

There are more potential 10 MB MPEG files than universes in the multiverse.

So, no.

LostInParadise's avatar

But how much of this can be meaningfully be applied to a hamburger?

mattbrowne's avatar

About 10^(-10000) %

Still plenty.

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