Social Question

How can we stop the wingunts from destroying America?
A New Harris poll reveals a quarter of Republicans think Obama may be the Anti-Christ. It confirms frightening rise of wingnut beliefs in the USA and adds credence a theme touted in John Avlon’s new book Wingnuts:How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America. It also shows how an increasing number are unable to recognize that they hold conflicting views.
The survey covered all parties, and so includes RMNJs and LWNJs in its results. But when separated out by party, the Republicans are becoming increasingly a party of conspiracy theorists and whack jobs. For instance, the majority of Republicans believed the president is a Muslim. A full 67% say he is an Socialist and 40% think Wall Street pulls his strings. One must wonder why Wall Street would welcome a socialist with open arms. Also around 40 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a racist, someone who resents American heritage and “wants terrorists to win.”
No wonder Congressional Republicans have been cozying up to and egging on the Tea Baggers. They aren’t simply trying to ride the tiger for political advantage as pundits have been saying. The whack jobs and conspiracy theorists are now the majority of their base. How long can representative democracy survive with this rise in fantasy and fanaticism? What can we do to reverse this troubling trend?