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Would you consider obtaining an extra degree as a good form of security for older people?
I have been offered the opportunity study another degree which my company will pay for.
Some of you know that I am in my late forties. I have a nearly completed BA.sci. , and a half finished degree in ILPA, but because I have moved industries plus money and time issues, I had to drop them with the result that I have a good few credits to go on both.
What I would like to study is another degree in commerce. This is also in line with the company’s required degrees. My reasoning is this not only open doors for upward promotions but lateral moves too. I am particularly interested in tax, economics, and financial forensics. Do you think making this choice prolongs earning power and more importantly career longevity? (Professionals are never seen as too old?). Or are they?
Of course my first love was my But I can’t pay for it right now.
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