witness an actual car crash that was pretty bad or pass by one that recently happened?
several actually, most recently…
Do you know how it happened?
The girl turning west across unregulated traffic just didn’t see the guy coming east and pulled out in front of him.
How many cars/trucks/motorcycles were involved?
3 cars, the two primaries and a guy behind the east bound girl who was too close/didn’t hit his breaks in time.
What was the weather like?
cold, clear, and sunny.
Where did it happen?
4 way intersection of a 4 lane median road with east and west bound traffic and north and south residential access.
How close were you to becoming part of the accident?
Heading east maybe 6 car lengths behind the guy following the girl and one lane over.
How bad was the damage?
Severe for the primaries; both cars appeared to have significant frame damage.
Anybody get hurt?
the guy who pulled out was pretty bad and was in and out of consciousness. Obvious head trauma, and a badly broken arm; his wife was banged up but seemed ok. The girls in the other car were shaken badly and the driver was banged up. The guy in the rear was wobbly from shock but seemed unhurt.
Did you stop to help out or call 911?
Dialed 911, helped get the girl out of the car and calmed down, gave her my coat, and helped get the door open on the guy’s car.
How did you feel about it emotionally?
Didn’t really, just did what I could and was glad it wasn’t me.
Did it make you think twice about driving safely?
Not really.
Anything else you care to share about the experience?
Always look twice, don’t assume the other guy knows your there, if you have the opportunity – help, because if it was you, you’d want the same.