Social Question
What's so great about heaven?
As a kid, I always thought heaven sounded boring and more like church forever than any kind of reward. My parents or preachers would say:
1. We will sing with “the heavenly hosts” forever and it will be the most beautiful music we’ve ever heard (My dad was fond of Celine Dion and Enya, so this didn’t sound promising. )
2. There will be streets paved with gold. (What’s so great about that?)
3. You’ll be able to move from one point in the universe to another in the blink of an eye. (Okay. So that sounds cool. But what would I do when I got there? Sing?)
3. You’ll never be hungry again. There will be feasts every day, but you won’t even need to eat because you will no longer have the demands of a human body. (I like food. I like eating. Feasts of food that I don’t have a desire/need to eat sounds pretty boring, too.)
4. You will have gold and riches beyond compare and live in a heavenly mansion, but you won’t care because you will be with God and all of your fleshly desires will have disappeared. (What, the hell, is the point?)
5. You’ll be able to reunite with family members who have died. (Pretty much the only good thing I can think of. But I always wondered about widows in our church that remarried. Would they have two husbands in heaven? A heavenly threesome?)
Do you have better reasons to wish/believe there is a heaven?