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ucme's avatar

Your beloved pets,cute,dependable,companion,whichever but what is an example of something they've done that was dumb?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 25th, 2010

Yesterday evening my wife was out,the kids were in their rooms playing on their Xbox’s,I was in the shower.Our puppy Penny somehow managed to jump up & eat five, yes five doughnuts from the kitchen.Now I realise this for her was anything but dumb, she managed to feast on her “prize“But it was dumb nontheless as she was sick later on,serves her right.What examples have you of your pets dumbness however cute?

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18 Answers

Vunessuh's avatar

My pot-bellied pigs eat their own vomit. Food is food I guess.
They also eat slugs, worms and bird shit.
When my female pig was younger, she ate a mound of rabbit shit. She was sick for two days.

wonderingwhy's avatar

the most recent in a long line of cute/amusing yet stupid pet things:

the other night my cat caught a glimpse of her reflection in the sliding door, thought it was another cat and went berserk (including slamming head first into said door). amusing, but dumb…

gotta lover ‘er

shego's avatar

My dad has mirrored closet doors in his room and and Jenga his dog was looking at herself in the mirror and then tried to attack the ” other dog” staring back at her. So now there is a huge crack where she kept hitting the mirror with her head.

marinelife's avatar

My dog ate a section of corncob, then spent three days in agony trying to pass it. The vet bill was $1,100, and he almost had to have surgery.

Silhouette's avatar

I just spent the morning chasing after my boxer who decided he’d really like to catch himself a cow. The heard turned on him before I could get there and he ran like the hounds of hell were on his heels. I found him hiding in the bushes skeert shitless. He wouldn’t come to me until I sat down and baby talked him out. “What’d you learn pussy.”

ucme's avatar

@Vunessuh Wow potty mouths. Still adorable though i’m guessing,are they vietnamese?

Vunessuh's avatar

@ucme Yeah. I’ve come to find that they’ll eat anything. We had to block off the rabbit hutches with fencing and deny access to a lot of nooks and crannies. I use to feed then slugs though, so that part is my fault. :P

jazmina88's avatar

why do dogs love poo right out of the litter box anyhow?? disgusting….litter moustaches.

Just_Justine's avatar

My cat, who was/is a fat tom, spoilt rotten, had everything from a “holiday home basket” to a regular “basket”, toys that filled my tiny apartment, catnip at will, best cat food, lots of love, good grooming, left me without a note for my neighbour downstairs who is a very liked but untidy drunk. He was a male cat, I think that is why. He needed a beer and a fag. How could I compete?

We pass like distant strangers on the stairwell. Life is strange.

thriftymaid's avatar

My cat once ran full speed into a glass door attempting to get to a bird. I thought that was pretty dumb.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

My family’s dog Max didn’t like the “cone of shame” (e-collar) he had to wear after he was neutered. His solution: he ate it. He then proceeded to open several of his sutures and had to go back to the vet.

Dumb dog.

YoH's avatar

My Amazon parrot,Rudy, has a habit of defending his cage against my husband. So hub ‘plays’ with him by running his finger along the cage. Rudy greatly enjoys the play, but was using his hook bill as a striking instrument through the cage bars. Damage to his bill,could mean death if he can’t eat,so it was definitely a dumb behavior. I’ve trained him to bark instead. With the barking also came growling. Not having a dog,I’m not sure where he got that from, but we now have a barking parrot.

dalepetrie's avatar

My male kitten (well, he’ll be 2 in July, so technically he’s a kittenish cat)

1) drinks out of the toilet
2) eats the other cats’ puke
3) has on more than one occassion gotten past us when we were closing the door, and proceeded to stay outside all night long in the pouring rain before allowing himself to be found
4) will attack anything that moves under a blanket cat teeth + morning wood = no fun
5) will continue to attack the other cats, even if they hiss, growl, and smack him upside the head with their paws so hard you can hear bone hitting bone from 3 rooms away
6) likes to wait until you’re in bed, then climbs on you, lays down on your neck and licks your chin
7) sniffs burning candles while his whiskers singe completely off
8) if chasing another cat (or just running wildly from room to room) and you put your foot or other body part out to stop him, he will crash full force into it and forget what he was doing
9) climbs into his food bowl to eat
10) waits until it’s pitch black outside and THEN beats on the window blinds to indicate that he wants to look outside.

Jack3090's avatar

Two of my dogs were playing on the garden when a butterfly came by and stood on the grass. They approached it slowly, and suddenly the butterfly flew away, both of my dogs jumped and ran in different directions scared, one to its house and one to the door and started jumping so someone would open it for him. It was very funny.

jazmina88's avatar

@dalepetrie i dont know whats more entertaining about your cat…the way he bites your woody,or the way you make him crash and he gets stupid. you guys need a cat whisperer.

dalepetrie's avatar

@jazmina88 – he’s growing up though, he doesn’t do the stupid stuff nearly as much as he used to and I’m surprised at how much I miss it. If I didn’t already have 4 cats, I’d probably be kitten shopping. They do the funniest things when they’re young and dumb.

My oldest cat is turning 14 next week, we got her when she was a kitten, and like most cats, she was constantly trying to get outside. One day after a massive snowstorm, I opened my deck door to bring something inside, and the cat launched herself right out the door into a snowbank. She just stopped dead in her tracks, arched her back and got this look on her face like, what in the hell is THIS? Same cat also jumped into the bathtub with my wife once. We used to have a lot of fun with this one, she liked to climb the Christmas tree every year (now our little one does that), and knocked it completely over once. She was so playful that we got this cat toy, basically just feathers and a bell on a rope at the end of a plastic handle…you can flip it around and the cat will chase it. I’d bait her with it and then I’d whip it up in the air and she’d jump, and this cat, I’ve never seen a cat jump like that. She literally could get 8 feet of air and do a complete 360 somersault. Now she mostly lays around.

One of my other ones, all you need is a flashlight for hours of fun. I can point the flashlight anywhere and she’ll chase it, and the best thing is, if I shine it on the ceiling, she tries to climb the wall to get it. One day I spun a lazer light in a circle around her on the floor and she just chased herself around in a circle, for like ½ an hour. She’s tenacious and maybe not the brightest bulb.

That’s what I love about cats, they all have such unique personalities. I had one when I was a kid who liked to swim whenever our basement would flood, and another who would jump up on the table and steal paper money off of it if you happened to set a dollar bill on the table…he’d run away and hide it…we always wanted to set him loose in a bar. Another one used to let our dog drag him around the yard by his neck. I’ve had cats that eat cereal, cats that eat lettuce, cats that eat peas, cats that eat pimentos, and one of the ones I have now likes to chew on plastic. I had one cat with 26 toes. I also had a cat that caught a rabbit, killed it and left it under my bed, making me wonder what that awful smell was. And of course back in the days when I lived in the country, it was never ending fun when the cats would catch mice, because they would let them go and catch them about 3 or 4 times before they’d kill it and eat it…you always knew the cat was eating the mouse when you heard the snapping of head bones…they liked to start with the heads. But this one cat was sadistic, he used to grab the mice by the nape of the neck, toss them up in the air by snapping his neck upward and releasing his bite, the mouse would almost hit the ceiling and when it came down, he’d pick it up again and toss it a few more times. One time we heard this same cat meowing, my parents were doing home repairs and there was an open duct hole in the floor that was going to be connected to the furnace…we looked and the cat somehow from the basement, launched himself up into that hole, thinking he could make it, but then finding out that he was too fat as he hung there by his neck and couldn’t go up or down until we rescued him.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@dalepetrie Twenty-six toes on one foot, or all four? :-)

Also, my experience with my friends’ cats is that the best toy for them is a laser pointer. They’ll chase the light for hours.

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