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ucme's avatar

What's an instantly recognisable tv theme tune that you often sing along to?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 25th, 2010

Whether it be from years ago & no longer running or something currently being aired.Maybe it’s an annoying one that you can’t get out of your head.

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61 Answers

Vunessuh's avatar

The Brady Bunch.

forestGeek's avatar

“Ooooh…who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”

jbfletcherfan's avatar

The Beverly Hillbillies

ucme's avatar

@Vunessuh “All of them had hair of gold just like their mother“Cheesefest!

Jude's avatar

Sanford and Son. I hum the tune when I drive by my brother’s dump of a yard on my way to work. ;-)

erichw1504's avatar

Beverly Hills: 90210

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

“The Jeffersons”

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Chuck (Short Skirt Long Jacket by Cake. Swingin’ tune)

fyoz's avatar


Where everybody knows your name…

ucme's avatar


erichw1504's avatar

Family Guy. Sticks in your head like a monkey on a cupcake.

Snarp's avatar

Good Times.

erichw1504's avatar

That 70’s Show. “Haaangin’ ooouuut… dooowwn the streeeeet!”

Trillian's avatar

Flintstones! Yabba Dabba Dooo!

ucme's avatar

@erichw1504 A fucking evil monkey at that.

jonsblond's avatar

Greatest American Hero

ughhh!.....I won’t be able to sleep tonight. ;)

liminal's avatar

Sanford and Son… every time a mess accumulates in my yard or house.

liminal's avatar

@jonsblond ugh!!!! Thanks, you just brought me into your hell!

ubersiren's avatar

MacGyver and The A Team.

erichw1504's avatar

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Jude's avatar

@jonsblond haha! One of my favorite shows from back in the day.

JLeslie's avatar

One Day at a Time
Brady Bunch
Mary Tyler Moore
There are tons more I recognize, not sure if I actually sing with them, maybe hum.

AstroChuck's avatar

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’,
Though the streams are swollen,
Keep them dogies rollin’

ucme's avatar

When that show first came out in Britain the powers that be replaced the word ninja with hero.Apparently for fear Britain would have an epidemic of kiddy ninja’s terrorising the neighbourhood.Nanny state, pathetic really.

JLeslie's avatar

@liminal That’s a good one.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar


You will NOT fill my head with a dozen tunes that won’t leave me!

NOOOOOOOO… I won’t look, I won’t look, I won’t look



erichw1504's avatar

Two and a Half Men: “Men, men, men, men, manly men, men, men. Men, men, men, men, manly men. Woo hoo hoooOo!, Whoo hoo hoooOo!, Whoo, hoo, hoooo… (men, men, men, men, manly men, men, men) AAAahhh HAAAaAAAaaaaaaa…”

liminal's avatar

@JLeslie isn’t it!

poor, poor RealEyesRealizeRealLies

AstroChuck's avatar

Men men men men, manly men, woo-oo-oo-hoo…

erichw1504's avatar

@AstroChuck Jinx. You owe me a Coke!

ucme's avatar

Does anyone remember the Benny Hill Show theme?Absolutely hilarious.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar


“I’d like to teach, the world to sing, in perfect har-mo-ny… Coke Is!”

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar


Yeah, prrrrr, dadadada, dadadadadada, dadadadadarara bmp bmp!

Trillian's avatar

@ucme Remember and miss it. Ma na min uh – de dee de de de, ma na min ud – de dee de de.

Jude's avatar

Temporary LAYoffs…Good tiiiiimes
Eeeeasy credit ripoffs…Good tiiiiimes
Scratchin’ and SURviving…Good tiiimes
Hangin’ in the chow line…Good tiii—iiimes
Ain’t we lucky we got ‘em

Good tiiiiiii-iiiiiiii—iiiiimmmesyyyyeahhh!

rebbel's avatar

The Wire (Way down in the hole) by The five Blind Boys of Alabama

ucme's avatar

@Trillian @RealEyesRealizeRealLies Now he was one funny guy,sadly missed.

JLeslie's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies My mom recorded it. That and Coke is it. Used to play it on her cassette tape with a bunch of oldies but goodies, She is very loyal to Coke. LOL. We could not go to Burger King because their contract was with Pepsi. But I digress. I think we were thinking sit-com not commercials.

erichw1504's avatar

“Whooooooooo are you? Who who, who who?”

YoH's avatar

Hogan’s Hero,but not by choice. My parrot whistles it a lot,so it’s like it’s just there,in my head.

neverawake's avatar

The fairly odd parents.

erichw1504's avatar

The Big Band Theory. I’ve tried to memorize the words to no evail.

davidbetterman's avatar

“Just sit right back and you’ll hear the tale…
...on a three hour tour…a three hour tour.”

aprilsimnel's avatar

(Can’t lie. It’s only recognizable to UK and Aussie people of a certain age, but I love this ridiculous show, though I’m a Yank.)

Goodies! (guitar riff) Goodies! (Guitar riff)

Take a little good advice;
Try a trip to paradise.
It’s not hard to find,
You’ve got it on your mind,
You can’t pretend it wouldn’t be nice.

It’s whatever turns you on.


The version I linked to is one of my ringtones. I’m such a dork. :)

ucme's avatar

@Wow yeah.Can you remember ooh ooh ooh The Funky GIbbon.I used to watch that avidly as a kid.Bill Oddie was my favourite.I loved their bike.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Ah, the Trandem.

We had it on here in the US for 6 months or so on some Public TV stations in the 1970s, and I happened to see a few episodes. The “Kitten Kong” episode is the one that sticks out most in my memory. I was reacquainted with it again whilst in Australia. It was on weekdays after school when I was there some years ago. I just had one of my UK friends send over the DVDs recently.

AstroChuck's avatar

@aprilsimnel- I haven’t seen The Goodies since PBS used to run the show over thirty years ago. The only thing I remember of the theme is the beginning:
Goodie goodie, Yum yum.

downtide's avatar

“Who Are You” by The Who, from CSI.

and, OMG the Goodies! I haven’t seen that in decades. I loved it when I was a kid.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

here he comes here comes speed racer, he’s a demon on wheels. he’s a demon and he’s gonna be chasin’ after someone. he’s gainin’ on ya so ya better look alive. he’s busy revvin’ up the powerful MACH 5!. and when the odds are against him they’ll be D-A-N-G-R-U-S work to do. you bet yer life speed racer, you’ll see it through. go speed racer go.

casheroo's avatar

i’m bot! i can show you anything.. on my belly belly belly screen!

my son and husband sing it ALL the time

filmfann's avatar

The greatest theme song of all time?
I don’t sing it, but i work the air drums.

janbb's avatar

‘All in The Family” and “Mash”

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@filmfann wins.

h5o = crack

even better than mp

filmfann's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Holy crap! Watching your clip of Mission Impossible, from the first season, I realized the original leader of the group was Steven Hill, who later played Adam Schiff on Law & Order! I never made that connection before. Boy, did he not age well!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Actually, a theme tune I like to sing, because Donny Hathaway (RIP) was the bomb, is from the old Bea Arthur show, Maude.

erichw1504's avatar

My eyes are gettin’ weary,
My back is gettin’ tight,
I’m sittin’ here in traffic,
On the Queensborough bridge tonight,
But I don’t care cuz all I wanna do,
Is cash my check and drive right home to you,
Cuz baby all my life I will be driving home to you.

Instant lurve to who can tell me what show that song is from.

AstroChuck's avatar

The King Of Queens.

Now where’s my lurve?

erichw1504's avatar

@AstroChuck There you are sir! And it was instant.

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