Are there any Libertarians on Fluther?
I’m asking because I’ve posted my political views once or twice and most everyone else seems to have a liberal/democratic opinion. I absolutely believe everybody is entitled to their own views and am not offended by people disagreeing with me, but I was just curious how many people on here consider themselves Libertarians.
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13 Answers
My boyfriend is but he rarely posts here
There are a few, and I myself am one (though I shudder at the fact that Glenn Beck also considers himself one). Democratic opinion is a little more prevalent but, like the rest of America, most people find themselves identifying with either Dem or Repubs and not with the smaller parties like Green or Libertarians.
lol glenn beck. that’s hilarious
I’ve seen many, just pop into a thread about the health care reform and you’ll find a number decrying it.
I’m a Republican, no wait, a Libertarian, no that doesn’t sound right either.
I’m very sympathetic to libertarian views, but libertarianism can mean a hundred different things. It’s very non-specific. I don’t identify myself with any one affiliation. There are so many political ideas and philosophies out there that I don’t know how dems and reps (and others) so easily and loyally commit. Baffles my mind.To me it seems almost inhuman to follow one group so faithfully, yet so many members of their parties of choice would fight to the death in its name. I don’t get it.
I am not a Democrat and at one time I was Republican and I am more Libertarian than anything but it is not a comfortable enough fit for me yet to add that title to my resume. It is a wait and see time for me.
I think some Republicans think they are Libertarian. If I have my info straight Libertarians want a small government. The mantra of the Republicans, but they don’t live it at all lately. The Libertarians in their true form believe in small government when it comes to both fiscal and social issues. The Republicans for the most part only mean it fiscally, and have not lived up to it fiscally in years. I think some Republicans are beginning to call themselves Libertarians, but have no idea their platform is pro-choice, I’m not sure where the Libertarians stand on gay marriage? For sure my impression is that Libertarians are not judgmental of how other people choose to live their own lives, as long as they are not harming anyone else, the right wing has proven they feel otherwise.
There are people who identify Libertarian on fluther, but it is true, I think the majority of the people in the collective are Democrats. The thing is even the Democrats on fluther tend to not follow spinmeisters, don’t follow the party lock step, they are willing to listen to other points of view for the most part, and will disagree on specific topics with the party.
So we hope you keep giving your opinion.
It depends on the candidate, but I have been known to vote Libertarian.
That’s comforting to hear guys. I don’t feel so alone anymore.
@JLeslie – I agree I think that most of the collective leans toward Democratic
I have been a Libertarian for awhile now. : )
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