General Question

Is AOL Explorer counted as Microsoft Internet Explorer in typical browser usage statistics?
AOL Explorer is licensed from Microsoft by AOL, but it doesn’t even support XHTML and lacks many of the features of any recent version of the mainstream browsers. Is it counted in the 54.5% of users using some form of IE, or is it down in the 1.78% using all other browsers together? If it’s counted with IE, does anyone have stats on what percentage of IE users it represents?
The reason I am asking is I’m working on how to resolve a nasty AOL Explorer error in interpreting a web page that must use XHTML 1.0 strict (It’s a Yahoo! MS Store, so the DTD is forced on me). The page just doesn’t want to behave at all in AOL Explorer, because its layout expects a browser to understand XHTML and CSS, and there isn’t any good way I can see to comply with XHTML and also satisfy AOL Explorer.
I’d rather not use browser sniffing and 2 separate page versions. I’m wondering if so few people use AOL Explorer that I can simply ignore it.
Wikipedia shows usages as
1—Internet Explorer (54.50%)
2—Mozilla Firefox (30.96%)
3—Google Chrome (5.61%)
4—Safari (5.27%)
5—Opera (2.10%)
6—Other (1.78%)

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