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XOIIO's avatar

I need a timer...

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) March 26th, 2010

I need a simple timer so that when a switch is pressed for a fraction of a second, it will give power or activate a relay to send power to a buzzer for one second. An arduino is not an option.

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4 Answers

njnyjobs's avatar

Are you talking about Jeopardy style switch?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Are you handy? You can make one with an LM555 timer chip. Get it at Radio Shack.
These chips cost about $1.00. Much less in quantity.

DarkScribe's avatar

Use a discrete sensor light switch and connect it a buzzer to it instead of a light. They have variable delays from none to several minutes. You would just need to wave your hand in front of it.

XOIIO's avatar

@worriedguy Yes I am, I just needed to find the instructions to make a timer, thank you.

@DarkScribe That would not work.

This is for a nerf gun target project, which I will be posting on instructables soon _crosses fingers—.

I am going to have a block of wood with a tripod mount (already done) and the curcuit. There will be a pie plate bottom glued to a lever switch, and hooked up to the timer and buzzer. When you hit the target, the buzzer will sound, letting you know you hit it.

I came up with the idea to replacemy old target method, leaning pie plates up on the couch, and them falling when I hit them.

This project will make it much better, because I can adjust the height and place the target anywhere I want, instead of a few locations with not enough distance to snipe with my longshot.

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