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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Should strip clubs be banned?

Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir (39062points) March 26th, 2010

Iceland is bound to be the world’s first country to ban all strip clubs for feminist (and not religious) reasons so that no employees are exploited for their nudity. I am curious about this decision – why do we, as a society, believe that banning strip clubs is problematic? Do we truly believe that most sex workers are doing this for other reasons than poverty and a need for quick money? I know some obviously choose to do this as a career but they are in the minority. On the other hand, does a legal ban mean an uptick in illegal and unregulated business where the women would have even less of a voice? To some degree I agree with those who say some sex work is empowering and I am, in certain cases, for legalizing prostitution but in my ideal world (and this isn’t going to happen) this is just picking the lesser of two evils given the evidence for improved health of sex workers when their work is regulated

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